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"Why the bloody hell did you refrain from telling me this important information?" I yelled in the drawing room of Malfoy Manor. Judging by my parents' slight winces, it was too early in the morning for such loud noises.

"Oh, really, Draco, this is quite ridiculous. We've warned you years ago to avoid this reaction," Mother told me in her regal tone, eyeing one of the upturned tables that was a victim of my rampage. "There's no point getting your knickers in a twist now."

"As if! You never told me anything!" I accused, staring them both defiantly in the eye.

"I remember the day we told you, very well, actually. You were ten years old and felt pretty excited at the thought of it. We told you everything - in this very room. You promised that you'd remember. Draco, honestly, how could you forget something so important?" she sighed.

Oh right...I remembered that now...But you had to admit, some of the Veela traits were pretty amazing, especially from a ten-year-old's point of view. Moreover, they should have known that you shouldn't tell a ten-year-old boy the cool things first, before the downside of being part Veela.

"I was ten! That was seven years ago! How could I possibly remember something that happened seven years ago?" I yelled in frustration. Surprisingly, Father hadn't said anything yet, but I was sure that that would soon change. He'd most definitely have something to say in this matter.

"Are you saying that you don't remember anything? I have to go through this again?" Father asked incredulously. At my blank face, he added in a disdainful tone, "Better hope you remember this time, Draco, or we'd better all pray to Merlin that your children will be able to survive without the proper knowledge."

"How do you know that my children will have the gene for sure?" I challenged him, if only to reassure myself that I'd only need to remember the information for myself and then, once I no longer needed it, I could forget it, or at least just to make him have doubts.

I slunk into a forest green armchair as my father stood up from his own, which was on the opposite side of the room, and stalked towards me. I refused to look my Father in the eye. Instead, I impatiently ran my hand through my light blonde hair, groaning once again in frustration at my predicament.

"It has not skipped a generation since the Malfoy family began thousands of years ago," Father lectured me. I huffed in annoyance, hating how I now had to pay attention for real this time, because of the future Malfoy heirs.

"Get on with the details about my predicament, then," I said impatiently.

The quicker I got the outline of what it meant, the quicker I could go wallow in self-pity.

"When you became of age, you came into some inheritance. Not the sort of inheritance that you had been so quick to assume seven years ago," Father drawled with an amused smirk.

I just rolled my eyes. I was young! Sue me!

"Yes, yes, enough of that. Tell me the important things." I waved my hand in a motion to hurry on.

"Enough of your rudeness! I'll let it slide for now, but when you come back during the holidays, I expect more respect. You're just a little irritable because you haven't found your mate yet, but hopefully she's at Hogwarts and you'll soon be fine again," he reprimanded me.

I rolled my eyes again and let out another quiet huff of annoyance. This was going too slowly for my liking, not because I haven't found my whatever.

"Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Your grandfather was half-Veela, but your grandmother was a full Veela. That makes me more or less full. Your mother, who is my mate, doesn't have any Veela, which makes you half. Understand?"

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