There's Something About Lovegood (chapter 5)

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"First years over here!" Hagrid called in his loud booming voice, over the racket that was being produced by the older years. Draco jumped out of the carriage and walked over to the Thestral-drawn carts that took you up to the castle. Since the war, Draco was able to see the Thestrals now, but, then again, nearly every student-not counting the first years-could see them now thanks to the battle at the end of last year. Of course, some still couldn't see them as the cowards had left the castle at the first sign of danger and never experienced the sight of death as Draco had first-hand himself. He sat on one of the seats in the cart and waited for it to fill up. A couple of 5th year girls came in and every time they looked at Draco, or Draco looked at them, they'd giggle and blush. But he didn't look at them much; one, because he didn't want them to be constantly giggling; two, because he was purposely turning his nose away from the scent that wasn't as inviting as Ginny's and three; he was busy watching as Harry's gang of Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Neville made their way towards the carriage.

Only one seat was left in Draco's carriage by the time that they were only a couple of feet away from it, and, coincidentally, the space was next to him. Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville and Ron were all in a small huddle whispering conspiratorially amongst themselves as they occasionally snuck glances in Draco's direction. He was aware of what they were doing, after all, he was facing them and his hearing had developed greatly, although they weren't aware of it and so didn't know that he was actually listening in on their conversation.

"Well one of us has to get in that carriage. We all know the next one won't come unless that one leaves, and that won't happen unless that one is full." Ron whispered to his five friends, making it clear in his voice that he wasn't going to sacrifice himself to go sit next to the enemy he's had for 8 years. Draco scoffed in his seat and rolled his eyes; 'I'm not that bad, am I? It's only a 10 minute journey anyway.' He thought to himself distractedly. 'Anyone but Weaslette.'

"N-Not me. I may have come into my Gryffindor courage, but Malfoy still unnerves me." Neville stuttered slightly, but made it clear that he wasn't going to be so easily persuaded into sitting next to the ex-death eater.

"Well as no one else has said it, I guess I'll have to." Harry sighed. "I don't mind taking the seat. What?" He said at his friends bewildered looks. "His mother did lie to save me. Maybe Malfoy has changed." 'You have no idea Potter.'Draco thought to himself.

"Well he certainly looks like he has, doesn't he? A lot more defined and aware of things, not to mention handsome. Of course, with the changes that he's been through, I'm not surprised." Luna said dreamily as she gazed in Draco's direction. To Draco, she had a knowing sound and look to her as she looked at him, but he was quite nervous as to whether she actually knew or, she was just being loony like her nickname suggests. To her friends, that's exactly what she sounded like: loony. They didn't pay much attention to what she said though because most things that she said didn't really make much sense to them, as she sometimes spoke vaguely or in riddles that no one could seem to understand, and the other times, people just thought she was speaking nonsense. Everyone in their huddle turned their heads to look at Draco and before they could see that he was spying on him, Draco turned his head to look at the girls who only seemed to just giggle louder much to his annoyance. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that they were all giving him unsure looks and after a few seconds, they turned back, letting Draco continue to watch them without being noticed. They were looking at her with the same looks that they looked at Draco with but she still seemed unfazed. Again, to Draco, she seemed to have an unrecognized or secretive knowledge about her and he felt drawn to it. 'Could she be my mate?' He found himself thinking. 'No, she doesn't fit with the prophecy. Besides, I shouldn't even be asking myself that. I know it's Ginny.' Nevertheless, he suddenly found himself wanting it to be Lovegood to sit next to him so he could see if his suspicions of somehow knowing were correct. "If no one else will, I don't mind taking the seat. I think it'd be rather insightful to sit next to him; I'd like to know about his family's secrets."

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