ChapterOne; I Hate You, Ryan Butler

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"CHAZ!!" I screamed. I hurled myself onto him, making him fall flat on his back, on the grass. "Give it to me now, Chaz." I stated in my most stern look. "You know Claire, I kinda like this position." He winked at me. I gave him "the look", and I carefully removed my Blackberry from his sweaty palms. "Ew. Don't be a perv, Chazzalina. You were lucky I caught you. I was gonna run off and tell your mom what's going down in your computer history." I smirked, getting off of him. "Noo, not the computer history!" He cried. "I don't want mommy to see all the Disney Channel games I play..." He sat up, and wrapped his arms around his knees.

"Chaz. You're 16, and still playing Disney Channel games? You seriously need to grow up." I smirked. I stood up, and dusted myself off. "No! I just..Like the graphics." Chaz responded after a moment. I rolled my eyes.

Just then, a door opens, then slams really loudly. Chaz and I both turn to see who decided to slam the door. When I saw who it was, I wasn't surprised. Ryan came running up to Chaz. He jumped into Chaz's arms, barely catching him. "Okay, sorry to interrupt, but I can't stand to watch you two be a gay, lovey-dovey couple right in front of me," I started. "So excuse me while I go barf my guts out." I turned and started walking away, neither of them stopping me. Ryan would do that. We weren't on very good terms. We haven't been for years.

I moved to Stratford when I had just turned 3-years-old. It was hard, leaving Texas and coming all the way here, to a completely different place, with completely different people. Anyways, the first week I lived in my new house, I had no one to play with. As you know, playing by yourself at the age of 3 has got to be the most boring thing to do.

One day, I was kicking the soccer ball at the fence next to our driveway. I headd a door slam, and U realized it had come from the house next to ours. I ran up to the fence, and peeked through a crack. He walked over to the middle of the yard, and picked up a toy soldier.

As he turned to head back into the house, he stopped. He turned toward the fence I was standing at, and stood there, staring. He saw me. I guess he got scared, because he ran back into the house. I picked up my soccer ball and went inside.

There was a lady around my mom's age, sitting in the livingroom talking to my mom. Then there was a little boy, on the floor. Not the boy I saw at his mailbox a few moments ago. He was watching Spongebob on the t.v.. I continued staring at him from the foyer. At this point, he was staring at me. "Claire, this is Ryan," she motioned to the boy sitting on the floor. "And this is Sharon, Ryan's mom." I waved meakly at the both of them.

I sat down next to him, and said "Hi." He gave me a dirty look, and scooted away from me. "Eww. Stay away from me. You're a girl, so you have cooties." I seemed offended, but I stayed put. "Get away!" He said again. When I stayed put, he stood up, and walked over. Towering over me, he gave me a hard shove. I toppled onto my side, but I quickly got up and slapped him across the face. My mom and Sharon shot up, my mom grabbing my ear, and Sharon grabbing Ryan's wrist, and spanking him.

"I think we should be going," Sharon staryed. "Thank you for inviting me over, Miss Mason." She smiled, and left. My mom spanked me, and sent me off to my room for the night.

Well, that was nice. I haven't really played with him, except when I was playing with Chaz, and Ryan wanted to play with Chaz. A few other incidents have happened, as we grew. From our biggest incident at the age of 13 Chaz has tried to keep us as far away from each other as possible. It was a mess, and I was grounded for 3 months straight.

He's barely spoken to me since.

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