ChapterSeven; Just Us

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I leaned my suitcase up against the wall. My phone made me jump, as it began to ring. "Hello?" I said. "Hey. Do you wanna go get ice cream with me? It's on me." It was Chaz. I smiled to myself. He was trying to make up for these past couple of days.

"Sure." Ice cream sounded good right now. And while I was out I could go up to the police station. "Okay. Meet me outside in about 10 minutes." He hung up the phone. I texted my mom to let her know I'd be going with Chaz to get ice cream.

I pulled open the front door. Justin was walking up the walkway, his head bowed, hands in his pockets. When he heard the door open, he looked up. Why does he look so bad? He stopped in his tracks. "Uhh, Justin. What's wrong?" I said.

"Nothing. I'm going to sleep." It sure didn't look like "nothing". Even if I kept asking, he wouldn't tell me. "Whoah, what? In my house?" I asked, surprised. "Yeah. My mom and I are staying here until I leave again, for my tour." I walked past him, to where Chaz was now standing on his front porch. We began to walk down the road.

"Claire, are you gonna tell the police what happened the other night?" He whispered. "Yeah, I was gonna do it after we got ice cream." I looked up at him. He seemed better, but still not completely himself.

A few moments passed before he spoke again. What he said next surprised me. "I'm coming with you." I just nodded my head. I didn't really care why, I was just thankful I didn't have to go by myself, and that someone was there for me.

After about 10 minites, we arrived at the parlour. Chaz opened the door for me, and I walked in, taking in my surroundings. I looked from the right of the room, then scaned the rest. "What do you want?" Chaz asked. "Chocolate and vanilla swirl, please." Chaz walked to the counter, and placed our orders.

I sat down at a table, and watched the streets outside. Woah! Is that Justin walking across the street? He had another girl, and his arm was around her shoulder, her arm around his waist. Wasn't he just with another girl, almost 2 hours ago? That's just gross...The wonders stardom can do to a kid.

Chaz came back with our ice cream. Watching me stare out the window, he caught on to who I was watching. "Claire. Here's your ice cream." He pushed my bowl of ice cream towards me, and I turned my head away from the window. We ate in silence, until Chaz cracked a joke. From there, we made fun of stupid things, talked about hings that weren't serious. And for the hour that we were there, it was as if we didn't care what was going on around us, just this. Us. Chaz and I.

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