Two weeks without you

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Andy's Pov
I wake up, dazed and confused in a white room with an IV in my arm. taking in my surroundings, I conclude that I'm in a hospital. shit. that means so is Max. I search for the very helpful 'call nurse' button. one comes in a few seconds later. 
"good, you're up." he claims, looking over my vitals.
"where's my girlfriend? the one in the car with me?" he sighs. 
"she's still in the ICU." 
"will I be able to see her?" he looks at me and I pull my world famous 'I'm a poor boy' face. he sighs again. God, he sighs a lot.
"fine, but only for five minutes." I get out of bed and carry the morphine bag along with me. he leads me down too many halls and into the ICU. once we reach her bed, I see how fucked up her face is. stitches along her right cheek, still fresh with blood, bruises scattering all parts of her, her face fallen in like she hasn't eaten in years. the nurse pulls a chair up for me and I sit down, holding her fragile hands. 
"this can't be happening. this is just a dream. please wake up babe." the nurse leaves, which I'm grateful for because I start balling. "Max, please." I whimper. "please." I hold her hand tighter as my sadness fades into anger. "it's all that jackasses fault. if he hadn't been drinking, we could've been at your place and hanging out with your mom and dad. I can't believe him. I swear to you babe, I'll find him and make him pay for what he did to you. okay? just come back. I swear I'll do it." I bargain. "I'll bye you everything you want if you'll just come back." the curtain opens and the doctor comes in, surprised by me. 
"who are you?"
"her boyfriend." I sniffle, wiping my nose on the hospital gown. he nods. 
"usually this is just a family only but since you're already here and you came in together, I let you stay." I nod at him. 
"thank you." he checks her screen as he writes stuff on her board. "will she make it? is there anything you can do? what will happen?" he laughs at my bombardment of questions. 
"she'll make it, nothing too serious. there's nothing I can do to make her body repair itself faster. we're doing all we can for her son. the worst that can happen is some slight amnesia from her head trauma." 
"I thought you said it was nothing serious." I accuse. 
"it wasn't, slight trauma isn't much to worry about. see, if this line," he points to a yellow line on the bottom of the screen. "goes higher, we'll have to drain the excise blood in her brain. it's at a normal, functional level, no need to worry." I nod, feeling a little better. "you can stay in here until six, then you have to head back to your room for dinner. you can be released tomorrow and come visit her when ever, okay?" I nod. "she's lucky to have you." 
CC comes into the room, shaking me from my trance of Max. I look up at him and he gives me a sympathetic smile. "hey dude." 
"the guys and I are heading out to get some lunch, want to come?" I shake my head. 
"hospital food is good." CC shakes his head and pulls a chair up to the other side of Max. I stare at her face. 
"you need to get out; it's been two weeks. this isn't good for you. she's going to be okay and it's just half and hour. we can even bring it back here if you so please. even if you say no we're dragging you out." Ashley, Jinxx, and Jake come in. "I brought backup." I roll my eyes and slowly get up. 
"I'll be right back Max, okay?" I kiss her head and we head out. if I had stayed, I would've been the first face she saw and maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have had loss.
I laugh quietly at Ashely's joke. "oh my God, Andy laughed." they all tease. I hit them all lightly on the arm and we head into Max's room with Costa Vida, Max's favorite. there's people in here. people I know, and people I don't; all looking at her bed. I rush over, scared out of my mind. they all look at me as I smile wide. her hazel brown eyes find mine. 
"hey." I whisper. she looks confused. realization hits me; she has amnesia. 
"Maxine, what all do you remember?" the doctor asks. 
"well, my name is Maxine Wells, I'm eighteen as of May tenth. I also remember some things sort of fuzzy. like my sixteenth birthday party. someone came by and we kind of kissed in the kitchen." 
"knew it." Kyle whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes. he's always trying to convince us that he knew we kissed in the kitchen on her sixteenth. 

"and, um, my eighteenth birthday, uh, that same person and I did something." she draws out, kind of shy. 
"what was that Maxine?" the doctor presses. 
"I don't know if you guys know it or not." I chuckle a little. 
"we know." I inform, kind of weary that she won't say my name or look at me and laugh in relief like she always does after a long day at school. 
"well, I lost my virginity that night." she kind of blushes and I feel a slight pride but also such despair. she doesn't remember me but she remembers me at the same time. 
"when's your birthday?" 
"may tenth."
"your mother and fathers?"
"Mom's is June third and dad's is December twentieth." the doctor points to everyone as he asks their names and birthdays. she doesn't remember any except her sisters, mom's, dad's and her own. I feel a pain make it's way from my heart to every single inch of my body. she doesn't remember me. she doesn't remember our times together or our nights in or the nights we'd watch Netflix and cuddle. she doesn't remember. I excuse myself, saying I have to make a call. instead, I run to the bathroom and cry my eyes out. 
after nearly an hour in the bathroom, I head back to her room. everyone is catching her up on stuff as I walk in. 
"so you, Haley, Zack and I are in a band." Kyle starts. "you're the lead singer, I'm the bassist, Zack's the guitarist and Haley is the drummer." 
"really? me, singing?" they all nod. Kyle looks up and pats the empty chair next to him. I take a seat, looking at Max. "so, how do I know you Mr. hair." I laugh at the old nickname she gave me again. 
"we're just really good friends." it was a total mistake to say that in front of Zack.
"yeah, and we're dating." I hold my fists tight as everyone looks at him in shock. "we have been since we were sixteen. I was the one you kissed that night." I resist every urge to get up and punch that little sleaze bag in his stupid lying mouth. she smiles. 
"I thought you had a familiar aura thing around you. I mean, like, you all do but his was pretty strong." I nod, trying to keep my cool for her sake. "so, Mr. Hair. when did we meet? how old are you? what's your name?" I laugh slightly. 
"I'm Andy Biersack. we met at a coffee shop and we spilled each others coffees; I bought you a new one of course." she giggles, making my heart swell. "I'm twenty, about to turn twenty-one." 
"alright, you kind of sound familiar." 
"probably because he's in a band too." CC says, sitting in a chair behind me. "I'm Christian Coma, but you can call me CC. twenty-eight and the drummer of Andy's band. I was the one who made Andy spill his coffee on you so." I thank him silently for going along with my story. 
"so, what's your bands name?"
"Black Veil Brides." she nods, the gears turning in her head as she tries to figure out the puzzle of amnesia. the rest of the guys go along with my story as they introduce themselves. 
I kiss Max's head. "I'll see you tomorrow yeah? I have some of your stuff at my place." 
"sure. thanks for being here today." 
"I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"sorry I don't remember you. I feel really bad." 
"it's fine. shit happens." she laughs and waves goodbye. I hold tight until CC drops me off at my place. 
"you sure you should be alone." I manage a smile for CC. 
"yeah, I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow." he nods. "thanks for the lift." he nods again and speeds off. as I close the door to my house I start to sob. 
everyone go check out the person this is dedicated to. she's my favorite person in the world and she has AMAZING stories. 

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