After Party

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^^ Simone

we reach the after party and I wait outside for Leah and Sam. Leah hugs me as soon as she sees me. 

"I won an award." 

"You did." I cheer with her. "how does it feel? do you feel famous?" 

"yeah." she giggles. 

"go in with Chris and have fun, I just need to make sure Sam is good." she nods and goes in with Chris, who just came by. I ruffle his hair and wait longer for Sam. Tony has her off his arm as they stroll up. "hey guys, I just needed to make sure Sam didn't die, I would be held responsible." Sam giggles for the first time in front of me. 

"isn't her laugh super fucking cute?" he looks down at her, making my head spin in confusion. "Erin and I broke up last month, Sam is super cool." 

"so, like, you're dating?" I ask, just to clearify. they nod. "everyone has a love life but me." I exclaim as I throw my hands up. 

"it's not my fault." Sam laughs. I roll my eyes and gesture for them to go in. Andy comes out. 

"what's up out here? why are Sam and Tony so giggly?" 

"they're dating." I mumble. "everyone's in love and I'm over here, a literal forever alone meme." I shake my head. 

"you'll find someone who's worth your time." his voice is strained, as if he doesn't like the idea of someone dating me.

"I guess, I don't know, let's just go in, I'm cold." 

Andy and I dance together for awhile until he finds Juliet. 

"hey Maxine, I saw your sister won an award." 

"she did yeah, sorry that you and dick face here lost." Andy punches my arm lightly as Juliet laughs. 

"Chris and her are totally meant to be, I'm just saying." 

"so are you and Andy, and Tony and Sam, I'll just take care of you guys  when you grow old and need help, I'll be that person." Andy's lips are pressed together tightly. 

"You'll find the right man someday Max, trust me, you're still young. don't sweat it." 

"thanks Juliet." 

"call me Jules."

"thanks Jules." she touches my shoulder. 

"go dance, I think Andy and I will be leaving soon, I'm getting tired." she looks up at him, he forces a smile for her. 

"of course babe." 

"you two have fun sleeping." they laugh a little. "bye guys." we head our seperate ways and I go to find Kyle. 

"what's wrong Maxxie? you seem down." he says, mouth full of the free food they have out. 

"everyone's taken and I'm over here being alone." 

"our whole bands single you ass." 

"not Jack and Haley, do you see the way they're all over each other lately? they're either fuck buddies or secretly dating." I look over at Haley touching Jack's chest delicatly. 

"damn, they are dating. well, you know, we could date." he suggests, teasing behind it. 

"we've talked about this Kyle, you're my brother." he laughs a real laugh, telling me was only kidding. 

"I was kidding Max, you're my sister from a different mister." I roll my eyes and sling an arm around him. A slow song comes on and everyone goes to their partner. "be my dance?" Kyle asks, holding out a hand. "just as friends." I nod and take his hand. we dance, laughing at each messup. 

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