The Aftermath

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Ok so before u continue reading you guys should know that a lot of the rest of the story is told in text message because that's how it happened in real life so yeah. Continue.

All weekend, all I could think about was that girl Megan. She's so different it's awesome. I wanted her to be my best friend. She's nice, funny and quite sexual - which I thought was hilarious. It all really a started with her when she sent me a friend request on Facebook.

I obviously accepted and she started to chat me.

- hey


-I saw u at the much dance

-umm yeah I saw u too

-ur names emma right

-yep it is

-its a pretty name



-oh shit my teachers getting me in trouble I gtg

-k by

-do u want my number so I can talk to u after school?


-lol ok

I gave her my number and Mrs. G took my iPod and threw it on her desk at the front of the room.

* * *

I came home that night to a new text.

-hey its megan u wanted me to text u

-oh yeah hi

And for pretty much every day after that we texted. I found out a lot about her. Most of the things were good like she liked to play the guitar, but some things were bad.

One night I couldn't sleep so I was texting her and we were talking about music. I asked her:

-whats ur favourite band

-lol I just fell

-haha r u ok


-k so r u gonna answer the question

-what question

-the one I just asked u

-what question

-r u retarded

-actually yes I'm dyslexic

-ur kidding right

-no I'm not fucking joking u and im just saying that I get bullied a lot cuz im dyslexic and I cut for that and other reasons

-omg im so sorry

-whatever I'm used to it

-im still really sorry

-yeah ok

-I am




After that I just continued to talk to her like she didn't even say that she cuts herself even though it really bugs me that she does. I've never met anyone that cuts themselves before so it really hit me when she told that to me.

-ok so anyway whats ur favourite band

-im into music that u wont really like

-what kinda music r u into

-heavy metal, rock and post alternative

I had no idea what post alternative is but my dad and my brother are really into heavy metal and rock so I grew up with it. I never put any into my iPod though because it never really interested me.

-oh yeah I'm into heavy metal

-post alternative is the best

-I don't really listen to that stuff

-u should

-name some bands and I will look them up

-pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, rise against, skillet

-k brb

I went into YouTube right away and searched up the bands. They were really different than I expected. They were pretty much screaming bands and I wasn't used to that. The one band that stood out to me thought was sleeping with sirens.

-wow those bands are awesome


-k ima sleep now

-k night


So there's chapter 4. I know it's been a while since I updated but I will try to get better at that. Stay alive ;)

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