After that night I was devastated but I was still determined to talk to him/her. I knew that I could not let him/her drag me into his/her world but I thought that it would never happen.
She/he was dark inside. And I realized that. But he/she was so fun to talk to. Jared was a sweet, considerate, funny guy. He admitted that he was a player but that he could never cheat on me.
But Megan is a depressed, suicidal, pot smoker who nobody could change. Deep down inside I knew that they were the same person but I didn't want to believe it.
I did treat them like they were different people. I don't quite know why but I just went with it. To me, it was completely normal. It was completely normal to treat a girl named Megan, like she was a guy named Jared. That I liked Jared - as more than a friend.
In a way, it was normal. It was normal for us. If anyone knew about the way we talked to each other they would think we're complete weirdos. And I knew that. But I also knew that I couldn't talk to him/her anymore.
And I did. One day after another one of the dances, I just stopped texting her. I did get angry at her at the dance so a week later I got a text asking if I was mad at him/her. I just deleted it.
He/she changed me. And even if I want to believe it or not, he/she will always be a part of me. He/she's the one who made me depressed. He/she's the one who got me into the so called "scary emo" music. He/she's the one who made me want to dye my hair. He/she's the one who changed my life.
I don't know where I would be without him/her. Actually I do. I would still be a little naive girl who had no culture whatsoever. But he/she introduced me to new things that I wouldn't have even known existed if it weren't for him/her.
So even though I refuse to talk to him/her, deep down inside I wanted to. I didn't want to stop. But I had to. So I picked up my phone and searched for his/her name. I found it and started to type a message.
-I'm done
* * *
Sooo ya. There's the book. I know it's not the longest book ever and the chapters are kinda short but there will be a sequel. If you liked it, it was a real life true story. Keep your eyes out for the second book "Or Am I?". Stay alive ;)

I'm Done
RandomEmma was a good girl wanting to change her image. When the her friends took her to the dance, her whole life changed. She thought this new group of friends were the best thing that could've happened to her, but she soon realizes that they will get h...