Holy Shit I Turned Emo

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Weeks passed and me and Megan texted every day. We were really close. She had an alternate personality of a guy named Jared. When she said she was Jared I just went along with it. It was like she was two different people.

One day though, it all started to go downhill.

-no I was arrested at the beginning of the summer and was on parol until school started

She had an old phone so sometimes she would text me when she meant to text someone else.

-you got arrested?!?!?!!!

-sorry wrong person

-no shit Sherlock but still I know now so explain

-i knocked out a guy with a baseball bat and shot him with a very powerful air-soft gun and put him in the hospital


-cuz he hurt one of my friends

-was that the guy who cheated on Tara


-well now I know not to piss u off

-don't worry I would never hurt u

-why not

-cuz I would never hurt anyone that means as much to me as u do

-AWE thanks

-no prob <3

Ever since then she would keep saying things like that that would almost make me cry. We gave each other nick names and whenever I heard mine I would smile.

-ima go to sleep now

I would always go to sleep before her

-ok night little mama

-:) night

She could always make me smile. But there were also times where she could make me cry. One of the biggest bombs she dropped on me was that she cuts herself. Or that's what I thought.

-I'm so stupid

-no ur not

-yes I am

-no ur not

-please u wouldn't know u don't go to school with me

-but I still know

-yeah I'm dyslexic therefore I am stupid

-no being dyslexic doesn't mean ur stupid it just means u need to try harder to get shit done which makes u strong

-and stupid

-ok stop

-stop what

-just stop

-ok then I'll stop breathing.

At that moment my heart dropped. Shit just got fucking real. I bursted out in tears.

-no please don't


-No please don't go

-I'm leaving now I gtg

-where are u going

-to a better place

-no please


-don't do it please for me

-ok fine I won't do it but only for u

-thank you so so much I would die without you

-no stop lying

-I'm not I swear u mean so much to me

-u mean a lot to me too little mama

Then I smiled even though my face was covered with tears.

-but seriously don't ever fuck with me like that ever ever again

-I'm sorry I won't

-ok good. so promise me u will never leave


After that I was depressed. Like really depressed. I was always just feeling down and sad. But nobody knew. Not even my best friend.

And it wasn't just for a day or two. It lasted for weeks. I started listening to the music that Megan suggested but I took it to another level.

Instead of listening to kind of half screamo emo music (which I now love) I started listening to heavy metal 100% screamo music. I still do. Everybody noticed I was changing. I was never as happy or silly at school. I dyed my hair black. Got piercings.

It was Tara who decided to actually say something about it. Nobody knew about the music I listened to until after march break when I forgot to tell everyone that I dyed my hair. I walked into the schoolyard with black hair and heavy make up instead of light brown hair and no make up.

Tara walked up to me and said "Holy shit you turned emo."

Soooo yeah there's chapter 5. Emo. I personally disagree with that but I just stopped arguing. I will get chapter 6 up as soon as I can. Stay alive.... Just like Megan did. For me. ;)

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