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Okay, girls. I would like all of you to know that the cotton and string part of a tampon is flushable. When you pull it out, you can just drop it in. It grosses me out to see used tampons in the little trash.

Second off, boys. They are evil little spawns of satan. Except for those few nice guys. The rest suck. Today my friend/acquaintance, Taylor, was being bothered by this one dude and told him to shut up. Seeing it all happen, I reached out with my foot and stepped on his really expensive shoe. He got ticked and went, "Did you just step on my shoe!?" My friend, Madison, heard him say that so she said, "Get OVER yourself!"
It was a happy day.
But seriously, most middle school guys are really obnoxious. Just stay away from them unless it's a rare nice guy.

Periods, Boys, and School Dances: a Girl's Guide to Middle SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now