Chapter 1

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"Wow I can't belive you're willing to spend your time going for an audition!" I said to my friend, Rei.

"Well, it isn't any wasted time for someone as talented as me. I understand where you're coming from but being talentless I guess you wouldn't understand." Rei said as we entered the audition room.

I was taken aback by my friend's words, but kept quiet so as to not disrupt her audition. I had gotten permission to watch the audition as Rei had claimed to only be able to do well if I was watching, but now I wasn't so sure.

Nonetheless, I stood quietly at the back as I watched my friend sing her heart out, although I had to admit, it wasn't as good as I had expected after all the boasting.

Maybe she's better at dancing?

Once she started to dance however, it was evident that she had talent in neither singing or dancing. The judges clearly thought so, their facial expressions showing fake smiles.


As they were about to tell Rei to leave while they reviewed her audition, they spotted Shin Hye watching quietly behind. Their skilled eyes scanned her from top to bottom, taking in every little detail. One of them whispered something to the usher, as she called after the two leaving girls.

"Girls, the judges would like to see both of you audition, so could the other girl give it a try please?"

"She doesn't need to, I'm the talented one, she's just following."

That was when Shin Hye felt something snap.

"Why maybe I will audition!" She proclaimed as she went to the space and waited to be told to start.

Her friend just rolled her eyes in annoyance and folded her arms.

"You may begin."

Casting a smirk toward Rei's way, she opened her mouth and really sang the best she could, but because she was unprepared, she had to sing a song which she knew all the lyrics to, which happened to be 'almost is never enough" by Ariana Grande.

It wasn't an easy song, but she managed to hit all the high notes perfectly, and received nods and smiles of approval from all the judges.

Alas, her dancing just could not match up to her singing as she ended shyly.

"But her rhythm seems to be good, she can grasp the perfect beat to start on, worth giving a shot. Her singing is excellent despite coming unprepared, and compared to her friend, she's pretty even without much makeup and it's clear that she would look gorgeous with stage makeup on." one of the judges whispered to the others, who agreed immediately.

"We would like to offer a contract to one of you on the spot, while the other has to wait for the official results to be released next month."

Both girls held their breaths.

"We've decided to give it to Shin Hye, so if you'll just come this way and we'll settle everything."

The usher led Shin Hye away.

As she was being led away, she could hear her friend complaining in a loud voice and the crisp clear reply from the judge. She smiled in excitement and glee, and could not wait to tell her parents! Fancy being signed while on a school trip!

Soon, everything was settled and she was free to go after calling her parents and telling them.

She was to start next month, since she was a foreigner and needed to head home to pack first.

"Goody! I can't wait!" She said happily as she went to bed that night, but only after her friends had asked her all about it of course.

Rei was jealous and her clique was upset too, but that didn't affect Shin Hye that much as she had more friends anyway.

"I hope I'll do well!" She willed as she fell into a deep sleep.

+Hi guys! So this is my first story and im still new! but i hope its okay(:
Wooooo guys! I got my first 100 reads! Thank you and do continue to support the book!

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