Chapter 14

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"What?" Kai said in frustration after he heard the story from Sehun.

"We can manage on our own, why drag her into this?" Xiumin asked curiously.

Exo were feeling very indignant about the whole scandal, as they felt that Shin Hye didn't deserve to be used like that.

"He said that we would break up in two months so..." Sehun said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What break up? You guys aren't even together." Baekhyun pointed out.

"We are, based on the press statements."

"Hopefully she's okay." Chanyeol said, his voice full of concern.

"I doubt so, she was so scared to leave the dorm that I had to bring her." Sehun replied.

"Let's hope our comeback will be able to cover this up." Suho concluded as the rest of EXO agreed, ready to work very hard.

As they went back to what they were doing, Kyungsoo went to Kai and whispered quietly to him, before leaving.

Realisation soon struck him and he decided to end everything.

I would hurt her again if news came out that we were dating, Kyungsoo hyung is right, we're not suited for each other.


The variety show, Running Man, had invited Seulgi and I to participate in the recording of an episode, which of course got us very pumped as we were huge fans of the show and tried to watch every episode if possible.

We had arrived at the venue early to have a short meeting with the staff as they gave us a brief outline of the theme for today's race. We saw the main cast, as well as the other guest for today who turned out to be Gikwang from BEAST.

I was very nervous as he was my favourite member from the group. We went to greet him as he was pretty much a veteran in the industry, as he saw us, he smiled and greeted us back.

Soon recording was underway. The main host, Yoo Jae Suk introduced us one by one and the rest of the cast had really great reactions.

"I am Shin Hye from Red Velvet" I introduced myself. Seulgi also introduced herself, followed by Gikwang.

We were soon split into two groups of five members each.
The groups are as follows:

Blue Team
Yoo Jae Suk
Lee Kwang Soo
Shin Hye

Red Team
Ji Suk Jin
Song Ji Hyo
Kim Jong Kook

I was kind of nervous because Seulgi, the only person I knew, was separated, although it was kind of expected.

In the car on the way to the venue, Yoo Jae Suk was asking me about my age and all that, just like the host he is. He asked me for my favourite member in BEAST, since Gikwang was just sitting beside me, and it was a good topic to start on. I shyly replied "Gikwang" while avoiding his gaze, as I was really scared and nervous about sitting beside him, and now that he knew about him being my favourite member, I felt really awkward.

"Ahhh she must really like him alot! Look! She's blushing already!" Gary, who was sitting on my other side laughed while pointing to my pink cheeks. I hid my face in embarrassment as Gikwang just smiled.

"Go on, ask for an autograph. You are sitting beside each other anyway." Gwang Soo said as he was really amused by everything.

"We don't have a marker with us! What do you even mean? How about we ask the staff once we get off the car at the next stop?" Jae Suk suggested.

Soon, we arrived at the next stop, and as we got off we saw that the other group had already reached the venue first. We got off the car and went over to the other group.

"It was really fun in our car just now. What about your car?" Jong Kook asked Jae Suk.

"Ah...we had fun too, which reminds me. I think Gikwang owes Shin Hye an autograph?" He said turning to him.

I had hoped that he had forgotten! It was embarrassing because I felt so shy about it.

"Of course I haven't forgotten!" He said before going towards Shin Hye and signing her nametag.

Afterwards we proceeded on with the games, the cast were all stronger than what I had expected them to be, and thus I tired herself out really quickly and after the first game, had already dozed off in the car, causing them to laugh.

Finally, after a long day, it was the last game. This time, we had decided to have the bells hide and seek, and it was in the time rotation format.

Because our team had lost the previous game, the other team got to choose first, and  they chose to be on the attack, which left us with no choice but to be on defence. We had three minutes to run and hide before the other team came to find us.

Our team went off first and I ran to a room to hide. I turned around and asked the cameraman to turn off the light since there was a window where the light could be seen.

The sound of bells suddenly became significantly louder and I held my breath, my heart pumping very fast as I willed for whoever it was to just walk pass. The sound of the bells suddenly became softer, which meant that the person had just walked past the room. I heaved a huge sigh of relief as she waited for the time to pass.

It was almost time for the change and the other team was starting to get anxious as they have not caught anyone yet.

"Ding dong ding dong, Lee Kwang Soo out! Lee Kwang Soo out!"

"Sigh....if only he had held on for that few more seconds!"

Immediately after, the countdown for the change started. I was determined to catch them all and shouted a "FIGHTING!" before leaving to tear nametags.

+i tried to make it as uncringe-y as possible but it's not working!

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