The three friends walked into the forest and finally flopped down.
"Phew! I almost died trying to get here," Luna exclaimed and transformed into a bird to have a look around.
"My feet are KILLING me right now!" Xreato cried and wished for a sleeping bag, it appeared in front of her and she crawled in to fall asleep " Ditto," Destiny murmered and threw a potion and in its place was another sleeping bag...
"Guys! Guys?! Wake up lazy butts!" Luna cried and woke the two up. "Ugh, Luna go to sleep!" Xreato cried "Yeah!" Destiny added.
"But guys I can make us a deluxe mansion with my powers now," Luna said smugly "Oh really?? Well show us!" Destiny challenged. "Carry us as well we're tired," said Xreato "Fine," Luna said with annoyance and transformed in to a elephant.
"Let's see what people think of a elephant in the forest," said Destiny "Jaws will drop," said Xreato and wished for the bags to be on Luna. "Ow!" Luna cried mentally
"Sorry," Xreato said and climbed onto her back, grabbed Destiny's hand and they journeyed to the place where Luna said to go...
Xreato and Destiny climbed down from the back of Luna and Xreato snapped her fingers and the bags landed on the forest floor
"Ready?!?!" Luna asked excitedly "Yes..." Destiny and Xreato said in union rolling their eyes and Luna positioned her arms in front of the giant oak tree that stood in front of her and the tree started to shake and rumble, a door started to form in front of the tree, then windows popped up and finally rooms started forming inside but you could see it happen outside for the tree was spasming and wriggling. Finally it was done
"Well done Lulu," Xreato said and ruffled Luna's hair "Yay! We finally have a place to live!" Destiny screamed and flung the door open but the whole place was plain no furniture, no proper flooring and Destiny opened the door to greet a attic! "Luna! Why is the attic here?!" Destiny shrieked "Told y- wait what?!" Luna said confused and ran to Destiny, Xreato followed.
"This wasn't supposed to happen!" Luna said confused "I was meant to put a kitchen here," she added "Chill Lulu, lemme wish something up," Xreato said and clicked her fingers and poof there it was... A bedroom?
"Wait what?" Xreato said confused "LET ME HELP EXXY-POO!" shrieked Destiny and set the whole place on FIRE "GAHHHH! HELP!" Destiny screamed and tried to use her water powers to stop the fire but ended up flooding the place
"DESTINY NOO!" Xreato and Luna screamed in union and got hit by the water. Luna tried to transform into a fish but turned into a llama "MEH!" Luna the llama cried and was carried away by the flood, Xreato on the other hand tried to use her telepathy to contact Destiny but called Obama:
Xreato: Hello? Destiny you there?"Obama:Hello? Sam is that you? Um who is this? President of USA speaking,"
Xreato: Umm... Bye *hangs up on telepathy phone*
Xreato tried to contact Destiny again but contacted Bill Gates instead
Xreato: Hello? Destiny you there?
Bill: Hello? Is this the mail man?
Xreato: 0,0 *hangs up*
Luna was trying to get the flood away, transformed into a human again and whispered for the wind to aid her. Instead she called on a size 6 tornado... Again."Oh dog..." Luna cursed and ran away "HELP!" Luna screamed Xreato saw what happened and tried to teleport the tornado to a different time... It worked but that's how the dinosaurs died...
"Yay!" Luna cried and ran to Xreato and hugged her "What about meeeeeee?!" Destiny cried as she was carried away from the house. Lucky for her she had a teleportation talisman and whispered for it to take her back. Poof she was in Xreato's brain "Why's the floor squishy?" Destiny said confused. "Why's it so dark?" She said and started walking, little did she know she was hurting Xreato inside out...
"Gah! It hurts!" Xreato screamed and started rolling on the floor "What hurts?" Luna said confused and befuddled "MY HEAD!" Xreato screamed and clutched her head "I WISH I COULD SEE WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN MY HEAD!" Xreato shrieked and poof she saw Destiny inside "Oh @*+%&." She cursed and wishes for a tiny car that could take Destiny out.
"Daylight!" Destiny said and jumped out of the car and became her normal size and rolled all over the place "Anyways lets start working on the house..." Xreato said and they nodded.

Reign Of the Three Friends
AdventureThree friends, The Great Predictor Xreato Orlenius, Professor Destiny Magica and Warrior Luna FacePaw. The divided the earth into three parts, and each ruled one part They each had powers of their own, gifted at the age of 10, when in Year 6 of sch...