Chapter 4-Disappearance

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The next morning, Luna and Xreato awoke to the smell of burning and the noise of boiling of water.  They stared at each other, knowing what the noise meant. It meant Destiny.

  They go down, and see the kitchen on fire, and puddles of water evaporating due to a failed extinguishing of fire. Xreato and Luna screamed, "WHAT ON EARTH CAUSED YOU TO SET OUR KITCHEN ON FIRE!!!????"

Destiny gulped. "Hold on now!" She dumped water on the fire (and Luna) like a bucket.  "EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" Luna cried, freezing cold. "Wait, lemme warm you up!" Destiny offered. "NOO!!" Xreato and Luna cried, worried.  

  "YOU!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO AT FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING???!!" Xreato yelled. "Well, umm, I was trying out a new techno-frying pan and used a spell to make eggs, but the thing backfired when i tried to light a fire for it to cook, then... yeah..." Destiny mumbled. Luna tried to recreate the kitchen but it turned into moss.

 Xreato groaned and wished for it back- luckily it worked.   "Uh, by the way, I found someone who'll teach us how to use our powers!" Destiny exclaimed. Xreato and Luna looked at her weirdly. She grabbed them by the hands and ran into the forest, mindlessly.

 "NOOOOO!!!" They screamed, then Luna panicked and turned into a mosquito.  She landed on Xreato, who yelled "AIEEEEE!" and slapped it hard. Luna transformed back. She fell to the floor, unconscious. Destiny, wasn't paying any attention so far, and had absolutely no idea that Luna was on the ground. "We're here! HELLOOO? ANYONE HOME?" An 18-year old teenage blogger came out and said "Hey". She looked back at her phone.  "Uhh.. Uhhh., excuse me?" Destiny asked. No reply. Luna got up.

"WHERE ARE WE?!" she yelled hopelessly. Xreato was so angry that she tried to telepathically call Destiny because she was not listening. Instead, she contacted the Queen of England.

Xreato: D, you better listen up or else!!

Queen: Pardon? Who is this rude speaker? HOW DARE YOU speak to me like that, at 2 o' clock in the morning? 

Xreato: Uhh... my bad!!! 

(hangs up)

Xreato: Hi, this better be Destiny....

Teacher at Xreato, Luna & Destiny's school (Ms.c) : Uhm, Destiny? She.. how what are you doing disturbing my lesson?

Xreato: Miss C? Oops...

Ms.C: XREATO??!!!!!!!!! WHAT AND WHY did you call me? How'd you even know my number?...

(Xreato gives up)

She opened her eyes, and saw a camel! " LUNA!!" she shook the camel ferociously. Luna transformed back. Destiny wasn't there anymore. Xreato forced Luna to the ground. ?"WHERE DID DESTINY GO??!"

Luna shrugged. "I saw her just now! She was there, then poof, she was gone, then poof, I turn into a camel in panic, and then you shake me.." Xreato looked like she was going to burst!

Luna gulped, afraid if she said anything Xreato would explode! She wished Destiny were here to cool Xreato down.   But, I'm afraid, there wasn't going to be any Destiny unless she was found. 

Xreato paced back and forth. "Where could've she gone?" she murmured. 

Xreato: Destiny?

(Destiny wasn't hearing her, but Xreato could hear some of her thoughts)

Destiny's thoughts: Get to the astronomical palace, astronomical palace. What... Vin... Lulu?  No,   , no! It was.. Vinluli Von Tash-   -Tel! 

"Luna, I can't hear Destiny's thoughts in full.. there are odd dashes, but I think I know where she's going," Xreato said. Luna looked hopeful. "Where?" Xreato looked uncomfortable. 

"Vinluli Von Tash (something) Tel!" 

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