Chapter 4

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Ugh! I don't remember setting an alarm, it's Saturday, why am I getting up at... FIVE IN THE MORNING?!?!?!

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I whisper yelled. I looked at my phone's glowing screen and saw it was a call. The screen said Hailey. Damn what the fuck did she want at this time of day.

"This better be a fucking emergency, if you are waking me up at 5 a.m. somebody better be dying. Or so help me Hailey I will come back and murder you in your sleep." I growled.

"I have a question who is Hunter?"

"Okay one that isn't a good reason to wake me up so prepare to die. Two how do you know Hunter?"

"Well a boy named Hunter Grey from New Jersey posted something on Youtube."

"And I'm supposed to give a shit because...?"

"Well this certain boy posted a video of a certain girl singing I'll Be Good with the caption of "An angelic voice for an angelic face"."

"One I'm going to kill him. Two that's a shit title. And three I guess i can spare your life... for now." I stated already plotting Hunter's death. I whipped open my computer and found Hunter's channel. The video already had 1,000 hits.

"Fuck Hals what am I going to do?"

"Um take it down. You're a hacker do it." She stated in a duh tone.

"Babe, it already has 1,000 hits there is no use."

"I guess you're right. Well I'm going to go. Today me, Danielle, Bailey, and Marissa are going to the skate park and then to the race tracks."


"Bye Nicki."


I got out of bed and paced around my room. I can just take it down, but what fun would that be. I needed to teach Hunt a lesson. I'm going to need help, and who is better than going to my new best friend.

"Mike, wake up." I whispered shaking him. He stirred shifting in his bed. "Mike I need your help, I'm pulling a praaannnkkkk!" I sang. He shifted in bed.

"Go away Nicole."

"But... the sky's awake, so I'm awake" he chuckled "do you want to build a snowman?" I said imitating young Ana.

"You have my attention."

"Good I didn't want to waste a Frozen reference."So I  explained what Hunter did, why I wanted to teach him a lesson, and how we were going to do it. We went to the store and got a bunch of battery powered clocks, water balloons, dye, and string. We hid the clocks around Hunter's room, and set them all to go off at 6. We hug string above his bed so when he gets up it will get pulled, and then there are balloons filled with different shades of pink to stain his cloths, hair, and body.

After Mike and I set a camera up in his room to watch our handy work and we went into my room. At six sharp all the alarms went off, Hunter jolted up from his bed, getting tangled in the strings. All of a sudden a shower of various pinks rained down on him staining everything it touched. Mike and I high-fived each other proud of our work.

All you can hear were Hunter's screams. Mike snuck back into his room and we pretended to be asleep. At nine o'clock I came down stairs to see Heather trying to get pink out of Hunter's hair. I kept my face strait, no emotion. "Hey princess." I said. Heather chuckled at my comment while Hunter just glared. "So did you all of a sudden decided to wake up and become pink or did you just wake up like a fairy?" I asked still with no emotion on my face.

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