Chapter 8

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Recap: I sat down and have my friends a worried expression that caught their attention. "Guys we have a problem, I think I..."

"I think I might have a crush on Dean." I finished worry lacing my features. I stared at my best friends memorizing their expressions. Hailey sat there deep in thought, Marissa looked shocked, Bailey was confused and Danielle, well she had a smile like Chester cat. Oh god was all I got out before a piercing screech escaped from Danielle's lips. We all covered our ears in an instant, trying to fend off the deafening scream.


"Shut up Danielle, I don't want you to wake up the whole neighborhood. I mean you probably already woke up the whole house." I stated dryly. My suspicions were correct when all the boys rushed un with either a baseball bat or BB gun. "See." I said rolling my eyes.

"What the fuck happened?!?!?" Jace yelled looking around the room frantically.

"JACE!" I screeched eyes wide.

"What?" He asked confused. I walked up to him glaring, "language." Was the only word that escaped my mouth. Everyone was stunned at my outburst and I pointed to the two little ones. They all realized why and the started to say apologies. I sighed as I took a long glance at Nick and Brad, I strutted over to them, taking the bat out of Brad's hands and the BB gun out of Nick's. I picked them up turning to the group of boys, "did you really give a bat to a seven year old and a gun to a four year old?"

"A BB gun." One of the boys called out. Idiots. I rolled my eyes and took them to their rooms. I kissed them good night and slowly closed the door, making my way down the hall and back into my room. The boys were all scattered around my floor, except Hunter who decided it would be okay to lounge on my bed.

"So I'm guessing you guys aren't leaving, huh?" I questioned. A series of nope's and hell no's chorused around my room. "Alright, everyone under the age of 14 goes to bed." Cue the what's, whys and no fairs from the younger children. "Because A. I said so and B. because 14 is old enough to stay up past twelve." The two next youngest got up and out of the room, leaving five boys to be sitting in my humble abode. "Get up," I said glaring at Hunter "you cannot sit here until told to do so. Jace, Mike would you like to sit on the bed?"

"WHAT OH COME ON!" Hunter complained while my two besties jumped onto the bed with smiles on their faces.

"See Hunter, I told you she liked us better." Mike grinned while Jace stuck out his tongue. The girls pouted and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and got off the bead. " Don't worry ladies, i got you guys...." I walked over to my closet door and pulled out four bean bags, the ones we used at my old house. Each matched our pajama pants. They all squealed and jumped on happily. I just laughed.

"What about us?" Steven asked.

"Don't worry Sven," I said pulling out two sleeping bags "I got you boys covered" i said with a wink.

I hopped in between Mike and Jace, setting up a movie. The girls started to call out chick flicks and Disney, but I was in for something else. I stared at the girls with a horrified look. They stopped and looked at me, "what's wrong Nicki?" Marissa asked.

"You..." I trailed "you actually think I would put on a chick flick, and I mean I loved Disney... when i was like 6. Do you people even know me?" I said dramatically.

"Oh no..." Baliey started.

"Please don't Cole!" Hailey cried.

"Don't make us watch a horror movie please!" Danielle said shaking from fear. I laughed evily.

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