Chapter 3- Boy Meets Girl

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Chapter 3 Boy Meets Girl

 "Those losers," Shawn stated. "Your step dad has to threaten you with twenty-five thousand dollars to make sure you don't try out for the football team, all so his loser sons will be the stars? I mean, they suck at football whether or not you try out anyways, so it wouldn't even matter if you did."

"Yeah, it wouldn'tmatter if I tried out," I said with realization.

All of a sudden I hear the bell ring signifying that we only have 5 minutes to get to class.

 I say goodbye to Shawn and march off to Chemistry.

 I sit in my seat, and get out my textbook. I remember that today the teacher assigns us new lab partners. I couldn't be happier that I'm switching partners; my current one is Stinky Sam. You can probably figure out why I hate him.

 He almost never showers, wears no deodorant, and thinks it's just hilarious, when he farts.

 One class, he thought it would be funny to fart in one of the test tubes. What he forgot, was that there was a highly flammable liquid in it. And he set his butt on fire.

 If you didn't know this, a fart mixed with smoke, is the worst smell in the world. A kid in my class actually fainted, from it.

Yeah, my chemistry partner sucks.

If I could pick one person in my class to be partnered with me, it would be Topanga Lawrence. She's a junior too, and boy, she is the definition of gorgeous. She has long blonde hair, the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen, and a smile that lights up the room. She is a cheerleader, but nothing like the girls on her team. She is all natural- never wears any makeup. She is not stuck-up like the other cheerleaders, she is sweet and caring. All in all, she is the perfect girl in my eyes.

The teacher walks in and I sit up. He explains to us that today we are switching partners, and starts reading them out loud.

Please let Topanga be my partner,

Please let Topanga be my partner,

Please let Topanga be my partner,

Please let Topanga be my partner,

Please let Topanga be my partner,

Please let Topanga be my partner,

I think to myself.

"Smith and Hutcherson,"

Please let Topanga be my partner,

"Hunter and Prior,"

Please let Topanga be my partner,

"Tomlinson and Smith"

Please let Topanga be my partner,

"Matthews and-"

Please let Topanga be my partner,

"Lawrence," I mentally freak out, this was awesome.

I'm with Topanga!

I zone out after that, with a huge smile on my face that probably looked pretty creepy in others' eyes.

After the teacher is finished calling out the partners, I see who is stuck with Stinky Sam, and I have a smug grin on my face when I recognize this person as Eric.

This day just got a whole lot better.

I'm too busy celebrating in my head that Eric got stuck with Sam; I don't even notice Topanga sit next to me.

"Uh, Hello?" I hear.

I zone back into reality, embarrassed.

"Sorry, I just zoned out," I said to her.

"It's okay, Chemistry is pretty boring anyways," Topanga jokes with a giggle.

Such a cute giggle.

I laugh, and nod.

"Well it won't be so boring anymore, now that I'm here with you," She says with a playful wink.

You have no idea.

The teacher tells us all to be quiet, and explains our tasks for today.

"Everyone, please open your textbooks to page 243, and follow the instructions carefully. And please, don't fart in the test tubes. That one is for you Sam," He jokes.

The class laughs, and gets to work.

As I'm reaching for the test tube, my hand briefly touches hers for a second, and I know this sounds cliché, but I swear I felt a spark. And I'm pretty sure Topanga felt it too, because I see a small blush make its way to her cheek.

She's even cute when she blushes.

As we're working, I hear a yelp from the other side of the room. Topanga hears it too, and we look up.

It was so hard not to laugh my head off at the site. There stood April, the head cheerleader and most popular girl in school, covered in puke. And who's standing in front of her? Eric.

Eric had just puked all over April's shirt. And she was infuriated. All you can hear is her annoying squeaky voice, screaming at him.

"You idiot! This was a limited edition Louis Vuitton blouse! It was One hundred and twenty dollars! You will pay for every penny of this shirt, do you hear me? EVERY SINGLE CENT!"

Eric just nods,-, and runs away. At that moment, the bell rang for the next class.

Topanga looked at me, trying to withhold laughter.

"I told him to stop drinking those protein shakes," I say to her.

She lets out a chuckle. "Yeah well I better go help April, I'll see you around; tell your step brother I hope he feels better." Topanga says sweetly.

"Alright, bye" I reply.

She waves at me, and leaves the room.




-------------------Author's Note-------------------------

Pic of Topanga on the side!

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-Michelle :)

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