Chapter 5- Boy Meets Brothers

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Chapter 5 Boy Meets Brothers

I am so overjoyed when I get off the bus, that I actually skip my way to the door.

"I'm on the team, hey! I'm on the team, hey! I'm on the team, hey!" I silently sing to myself.

Once I get to my bedroom, I look for the list of chores I have to do, which are always on my bed. But today, there was nothing there. Just a note.

It read,


I saw how upset you were today about not being able to try out for the football team. I know you must be upset with me right now, but to make it up to you, I decided not to give you any chores for today. But there will be chores for you tomorrow, so don't get too used to this routine.



Wow, so I guess my step father does have a heart somewhere.

I sit on my bed and wonder what I could do.

What do normal people do in their free time?

Homework? No, I don't have any.

Read? I've Read all my books at least 20 times each.

Watch T.V? Don't have one.

I think about what I could do for a while, and decide to talk to Jack and Eric. I know I don't really like them, but they're the only source of entertainment I have in this house.

I knock on Jack's bedroom door, knowing that Eric will be in there too, either attempting to lift weights, or watching T.V.

Jack opens the door, and stares at me with confusion. I look over his shoulder and see Eric barely lifting a 15 pound weight.

"What do you want?" Jack asks me rudely.

I roll my eyes. "I'm bored okay? Alan hasn't given me any chores today and I was wondering if I could hang with you guys." I tell him.

"Hang with us?" He responds, "What makes you think we want you to hang with us?"

I think about my answer sensibly. What is something Jack would want to hear?

"I know you're so fit already, but I was wondering if I could work out with you guys in the gym, you know, for my benefit." I lie.

"Eric?" Jack turns to his brother. "You want to go work out with Cory? He's saying he's out of shape and needs our help to get fit."

That is not what I said.

"Aw, little Cory needs our help?" Eric coos, as I roll my eyes, yet again.

Man, I roll my eyes a lot in this house.

"Sure, I mean, who doesn't want to see Cory fail at lifting weights? I sure do!" He finishes.

And my response is - what do you know? An eye roll.

I quickly go to my room and grab my sneakers, and follow them to the gym in the basement.

I've been in there countless times to clean up after Jack and Eric when they work out so much they puke, but I've never really gotten to work out there myself.

I make my way to the treadmill first, while both Eric and Jack start lifting weights.

At first, it's kind of an awkward silence, but after a couple of minutes, Eric starts up a conversation.

"Jack, did you see that guy at tryouts today?" He asks his brother.

"Which one, the one that went last for the final drill?" Jack responds.

"Yeah, him," I hear.

Oh yeah! I think. They're talking about me!

I pretend to be clueless, and ask them who they're talking about.

"Ugh, must I explain everything to you?" Jack complains, "There was this guy who tried out for the football team. Nobody knows who he is, because he wore his helmet the whole time. But that doesn't matter. What matters, is that this guy was epic. He was faster than everyone else, fluent with his throwing, caught the ball easily, and he was so light on his feet when he did the obstacle course. You should have seen him man, he was awesome." Jack explains to me.

Wow, Jack thinks I'm awesome! Well not me, but the guy who tried out for the team, but I was that guy so, never mind.

"I think he's going to be quarterback," Eric adds. "There go our chances of making dad proud of us," He finishes.

I am perplexed by this statement. What does he mean Alan won't be proud of them?

"What do you mean by that?" I echo my thoughts.

"You wouldn't get it." Jack says dismissively.

"Try me," I refute.

"No way dude, you'd just roll your eyes at us." Eric argues.

"No I won't," I roll my eyes.

"See? You just did!" He points out.

"Fine!" I say, "I promise I won't roll my eyes!"

Jack sighs in defeat. "Okay, well you see when Dad was in high school, he was the star of his football team, and he was great. And when I say great, I mean like super-awesome-ly great do you understand?"

I nod.

"Good" He continues, "But you see, his grades were really bad. He was doing just enough to stay on the team so when the time came to go to college, many of them accepted him, but he couldn't afford any of them. His family was poor, and he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't get a scholarship because of his bad grades, so he ended up having to go to community college, the only college he could afford. Sure he ended up being a billion dollar making businessman, but he always wanted to be a football star, and he never got the chance. Ever since he told us that story it's been football this, and football that, he expects us to be stars just like him, and will do anything so that we can live his dream."

"Wow," is all I say.

"Now do you get why we need to make the team? We have to make our dad proud of us! And being football stars is the only way to do it," Jack finishes.

"Yeah, I get it." I respond, "But you guys do know you suck right?" I say bluntly.

"Of course we know!" Eric tells me, "Come on, we're not idiots! But it doesn't matter Cory if we suck, or if we're good, or if we don't even like sports! We need to make the team for our dad. Not us, our dad."

I nod in agreement, not knowing what to say next.

"Yeah well, I guess that's enough working out for today," Eric says. "Later loser,"

I laugh at this, and watch them leave the gym. I begin to clean up, and I start to wonder,

Did I just bond with my brothers?

----------------Authors Note------------

Awww, bonding!

Gif of Shawn, Jack and Eric on the side!

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-Michelle :)

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