Chapter 7 - Boy Meets A Lunch With His Dream Girl

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Chapter 7- Boy Meets A Lunch With His Dream Girl

It was the day after the list had been posted, and everyone at school was trying to figure out who "Cinderdude" really was. It was amusing to watch all the students frantically going around trying to find out who he is. Obviously no one asked me if I was Cinderdude, but I didn't really care. How could I expect them to think I could be him when no one even knows who I am?

The Lunch Bell had just rang, and I was making my way to the cafeteria, when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turn around, and come face to face with the same gorgeous green eyes I saw yesterday.

"Hey Cory," I hear her say.

"H-hey, T-t-op-panga," I manage to spit out.

I mentally hit myself in the head. Sweet moves Cory, now she'll definitely want to be your boyfriend.

She smiles in response and adds, "Would you like to have lunch with me?" 

I feel like I just won the lottery. In my head I'm doing backflips and somersaults, jumping around screaming "YES! YOU DID IT CORY! SHE WANTS TO HAVE LUNCH WITH YOU". The feeling is hard to describe. Also in my head, I started doing these really weird dance moves. 

Or so I thought it was in my head. 

I was actually dancing in front of Topanga. 

All of a sudden I start busting out these horrible moves, looking like a flamingo doing the moonwalk in the middle of a funeral. 

It was bad. Really bad. 

I suddenly stop once I realize what I'm doing and look to Topanga. She has this slightly confused and entertained face. I can tell she’s trying not to laugh. 

"What was that about?" She asks me, holding in a giggle. 

I blush a little, embarrassed. I try to think what to say, and I wait a little for my response.   "Oh, I was just, you know- um," Come on Cory, say something! "Practicing. For um, my dance class,"  

I mentally hit myself in the head again. Idiot.

She nods, a bit confused. "Oh, okay, got it. So about lunch?" 

Oh right, lunch, yeah I'm good with that," I say, finally not stuttering this time. 

She smiles, "Okay, how about Chubby's?" 

I nod, "Sounds good, Chubby's I love that place! Don't you just love that place? I mean it has French fries, hamburgers, onion rings, and don't forget about the chicken strips! Don't you just love the chicken strips?" I ramble on, not being able to stop. 

She laughs and nods. "I guess, I'm more of a hamburger kind of person," 

"Oh, definitely, me too." I say as we start walking.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

"You did not!" Topanga says her mouth wide open. 

I nod, "I did! I swear it’s the truth!" 

She shakes her head, still not believing me. "So you want me to believe that when you were 6, you were so mad at a boy that you actually, put a giant bug in his juice, and when he meant to take a sip, it crawled into his mouth?" 

I laugh, thinking of the memory, "Yes. I did!" 

She makes a disgusted face, and shakes her head. "That is gross! What happened after?" 

"Well let's just say, he didn't like me very much after that incident," 

She nods, "I don't even want to know what he did to you," 

I laugh at this statement, "Trust me, you don't."

We were sitting in a booth at Chubby's, both having a cheeseburger and fries in front of us. I take a sip of the jumbo pop I bought for us to share.

"Your turn," I say, breaking the silence.

She looks at me, confused. "My turn for what?"

"To tell a funny story that happened when you were younger,"

She nods, and puts a finger on her chin, thinking.

She's such a cute thinker. I say to myself, thinker? How can someone be a cute thinker? Cory, sometimes, you are one weird boy.

"Oh! I got something!" She says, I little more excited then she needed to be.

I laugh, and nod my head for her to go on.

"Well, I was eight, and camping with my family, when I heard this noise. It sounded like a person was trying to sneak into our tent. At that time, I was taking Karate lessons so I thought I could beat this person up. Once they unzipped the tent, I lunged for them, and landed on their back, hitting them repeatedly. Turns out, that person was my dad. He just came back from going to the washroom." She finishes.

I laugh at this. "Really? What did your dad do?"

"He kept on yelling 'Topanga! It's me! It's me!' So I finally realized and stopped attacking him.

I laugh, "That was a pretty funny story,"

She nods and checks her phone. "Oh, it's a quarter to one; she should be heading back now,"

I nod, and we both head out of the restaurant.


Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I thought no one was reading this! But I am going to post once a week now! Maybe even more often! I promise!

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