Chapter 6- Boy Meets A Great Friend

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Chapter 6  Boy Meets a Great Friend

                It has now been exactly 24 hours since the football tryouts. Shawn and I are on our way to the gym, where the team list is being posted.

“So, you think you’ll be quarterback?” Shawn asks me while walking.

I shrug in response. “Maybe,”

“Who are you kidding Cory?” He says, “Of course you will be quarterback! The coach would be stupid to give the position to anyone else!”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I agree with him, “Hey, what position do you think you’ll be in?”

“Don’t know and don’t care. I only tried out for the team so you wouldn’t have to be the star quarterback without your best friend tagging along,” Shawn jokes.

“Do you really not care?” I ask him.

“Eh, not really, I’d be fine with just being a lineman, I only tried out to be there for you though,” He answers me.

“Aw, buddy! You’re a really good friend!” I joke around, and give him a hug.

“I know right?” Shawn jokes back.

We finally make it to the gym, and see all the other guys who tried out there as well, along with some of their girlfriends.

I skim the crowd, and search for Eric and Jack. I see them talking to their friends, acting calm and confident. But I know them better than that, I know their freaking out on the inside, praying that they made the team.

All of a sudden, the coach comes up with a paper in his hands.

It was the list.


Everyone just freezes, waiting for him to pin it to the board.

And once he does, it's chaos.

Almost everyone is pushing and shoving to get to the front of the line. I wait behind knowing that I can’t check for myself, because Eric and Jack will think I tried out. So I wait.

I see Shawn make his way to the list, and I also hear shouts of success.


I whip my head around to Eric and Jack’s direction. There they are, celebrating.

Good for them, I think, As long as they didn’t steal my quarterback position.

As I’m staring at them celebrating, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Topanga.

I stare at her in awe. She was so beautiful up close. I am mesmerized by her. I look into every detail on her face. The freckles on her cheek, the tiny birthmark right under her eye, and her gorgeous green circles of beauty. I mean her eyes. Wow, were they pretty.

Once I’m out of my daze, I realize she just asked me something.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I speak, trying to top the noise coming from the other football players.

“I said did you try out for the team?” She repeats herself.

“No,” I say I little too quickly.

She raises an eyebrow.

“I mean, I’m just here to wait for Shawn, he’s the one who tried out.” I explain myself.

“Oh, that’s nice of you,” She says to me. “So anyways, I read the list just before I came here, and the guy who got quarterback was named Cinderdude, have you ever seen him before?”

I smile, I’m the quarterback.

I’m standing there smiling like an idiot, until I gather that Topanga’s still waiting for an answer.

“Nope, never seen him before, wow Cinderdude, weird name right? I mean that could mean a lot of things like a dude who likes cinder, or a cinder who likes dudes, or it could be a play on words, like Cinderella, but like a dude of course,” I ramble on.

”Cory! There you are! Listen, we need to get going if we’re going to catch the bus, see you around Topanga!” Shawn says while pulling me out of the gym.

“Dude, what the heck? I was talking to Topanga Lawrence. You know, the girl I’ve had a crush on since, I don’t know, forever?I yell at him.

“You were talking like an idiot Cory! I saved you from making a fool of yourself!” He debates.

“Oh. Yeah, I guess I was," I quickly realize. "Thanks buddy,” I thank him while patting him on the back.

“Enough talking about your girl troubles, we have a problem.” Shawn tells me.

“Oh no, already?” I say, worrying over what he’s going to say.

“You know how I said that ‘d be fine with just being a lineman?” He asks me.

“Yeah?” I reply.

“Well I’m not one,” he sighs, and I’m starting to realize he might not be on the team.

“Oh no Shawn, I don’t have to be-“ I start but get interrupted.

“Cory, I’m not a lineman, I’m a wide receiver!” Shawn yells out.

I scream in celebration with Shawn, and give him a hug.

“We’re on the team Shawn! Together, the two most important players on the team!” I tell him.

“Yeah we are buddy!” He replies.

“Shawn?” I say.

“Yeah?” He replies.

“Thanks for being there for me. I don’t think I could have this great of a day without you.” I thank him.

“No problem Cory,” Shawn informs me. “Let’s go out and celebrate!”

“McDonalds?” I question him.

“TO MCDONALDS!” He yells while running

I laugh at him, smiling.

I have the greatest friend in the world!

Authors Note----

This is the REAL Chapter. Sorry for messing it up before, i thought i was only at chapter 4. whoopsies!

So, I'll update as fast as i can, and I hope you all have a great weekend!

Comment, Vote, Fan!

-michelle :)


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