Him .

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I wake up in a warm embrace I snuggle up closer to it not wanting to part from this warmth. I stay like that for awhile longer until I decide to get up,

"Good morning, Cal." I say rubbing my eyes as my vision clears I don't see Cal but, Noah instead. I flinch and fall off the couch and hit the floor with a thud. Noah stirs in his sleep and sits up eyes barely open,

"What's wrong?" I'm at a loss of words.

"Did I just sleep with Noah?!"

"I uh I gotta go!" I say as I franticly gather my things,

"Where are you-"

"Thank you for everything Noah but I can't stay." I say and close the door as I leave. Still flustered I instinctively head to the guys room as soon as I reach for the door knob I hear people yelling inside,

"I'm going to go look for her."

"Cal, I know this is hard for you.. Believe me it's hard on all of us! We miss her too but, we have a responsibility and a job, Cal. We have fans counting on us!-"

"I know! I know. But, Michael (Y/n)...(Y/n) she changed me. She was there for me even before I met you mates. She believed in me even when we were thousands of miles away from each other! She..she believed in me even when I had forgotten her..and made her," he pauses by this time my eyes were already on the verge of tears and I couldn't listen to him go on,

"Don't you guys have a interview today?" as I was about to open the door I hear a unfamiliar female voice.. My hand freezes,

"Yeah, we do." I hear Michael say,

"So shouldn't you guys go to that first and have this discussion late-" I couldn't stand it negative thoughts just ran through my head.

"Is that the girl Calum has been sneaking out with?!"

"Why is she in the apartment?!"

"Did Calum sleep with her?!"

I drop my bag my whole body is shaking and a sharp pain is stabbing my chest,

"Is someone out there?" I hear someone say from inside. I don't know why but I freeze up terrified to see him so my feet move on their own. They take me away from the door...away from him..


I open the door and trip over a bag. Picking it up I recognize it as (Y/n),

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!" I yell and hear foot steps shift from behind a corner I bolt in that direction. Footsteps move away from mine,

"I won't let you get away from me this time!"

I scream in my head as I use all of my strength to catch up. I come to two hallways and I don't know which one to take. Until, I hear a door slam and my feet instinctively run in that direction. As I bust open the door...


I run as fast as I can turning corners and I come across two hallways hearing him coming closer I run towards a door. Not sure where it leads I open it and throw my body on the other side of it to keep it from opening. Unexpectedly a huge thud flies the door open and sends me flying too. I end up face down on the ground,

"Fuck.." I groan,

"(Y/n)?" I hear someone call me. I don't turn around I stay on my hands and knees facing the balcony of the roof.

"(Y-Y/n)?" I can hear him inching closer. Until, his footsteps stop right in front of me I see his shoes and I slowly move my gaze to meet his eyes... His eyes they were glazed over and crying. He fell to his knees smiling warmly at me; he was a sniffling mess and his nose and cheeks were rosy red,

"(Y/n)..(Y/n) how I've missed you so much." My body was still shaking and my eyes began to drop tears once more. I haven't seen him in so long seeing him like this just breaks my heart in two. I throw myself at him I couldn't hold back anymore I missed him to the point where it hurts,

"Calum!" I whisper as he falls to his back and holds me tight stroking my hair,

"I-I found you..my sweet, sweet (Y/n). I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you!" I hear him repeat that phrase over and over again only making me hold him even tighter,

"I-I love you so-" as I look up to say it back he sits up and hushes me with a gentle and passionate kiss. I instantly melt into it missing the sweet sensation when our lips touched. Once we parted he holds my cheeks sitting up fully now. We touch foreheads and he whispers,

"Please, please don't ever leave me again. If you do I don't think I would be able to handle it.." I nod slowly and we stay like that for awhile the wind brushing against us as we held each other on the rooftop.

'I'm sure he has a reason for going with her but right now all I can think about is him.' I think to myself.

>I think he has a pretty good reason

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