Endline .

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        I've been in the hospital for a week and I'll be leaving soon! I can't wait the last show of our tour has been delaied because well you know why. We've recieved a lot of mail and letters saying that the fans love us and that they hope we get better soon. As I was sorting through all the mail I see a letter with a name written across it. My name. I don't why but this one seemed different from the rest so I opened it,

"Dear Calum,

I heard what happened to you and I was so worried, you could ask anyone. I cried for days when you were in that short coma. It scared me half to death but when I heard you finally woke I raced to the hospital. When I finally got to your room and I saw your face again I felt weak in the knees and nearly fell. Calum it hurts so much to know that you don't remember me but..it's ok. I'm ok with that but I'm gonna just say the best memories we shared together anyway."

                                          *Lol sorry but you can remember your moments right?*

As I read on I felt a lot of emotions in my chest. Pain, love, happiness, hurting, laughter. The list goes on by the time I finished I had tears running down my face. And it read,

"Sincerely, (Y/n) (Y/ln)"

"(Y/n)..." Was all I said before I blacked out..


"Get him to the emergency room!" I hear people yell all around me. I was having trouble breathing and everything was blurred.

"He's going into shock!-"

"CALUM!" I hear a familiar voice yell out to me,

"Let me through!" Soon I see (Y/n)'s face looking down at me as she ran next to the bed.

"(Y-Y/n)?" I manage and she smiles at me,

"I'm right here Cal I never left your side!" She takes hold of my hand until we reach the ER doors,

"Ma'am you have to let go now!" The nurse says taking her away from me,

"No let me go with him!" She says trying to fight back,

"N-No (Y/n).." I reach out to her and I can see her eyes..full of tears.

"Calum! I love you!" I hear her yell,

"I love you too (Y/n) (Y/l/n)!" I yelled with no stutter.Soon we enter the ER and they put the oxygen mask over me and start asking me to rate the pain. I feel them put needles in my arm and soon I feel a sharp pain to my heart. And before everything went black I smile and whisper to myself,

"I remember my little dandelion."



"Let me go! LET ME GO!" I finally break through the nurse's arms and bust through the emergency doors and see all the doctors and nurses just standing there.

"What's happening why aren't you guys helping him.." I walk through them to the table and see Calum laying there motionless..

"Hey, Cal wake up.." I walk up to him and shake him,

"This isn't funny wake up Calum..."

"Calum Thomas Hood you promised never to leave me a lone.. You can't do this to me Calum!" I grab his hand and hold it in mine,

"C-calum wake u-up!" I say leaning on the table yelling. I see the doctors start to unplug the machines,

"NO! Don't unplug them he's still alive you need to help him!" I yell at the doctor he just gives me a pained expression and looks away. I look back at Calum,

"...Calum.." I let go of his hand and it falls to the table..lifeless." Look at his face and place my hand on his hair and lean down. I kiss his forehead,

"I love you Cal-Pal."

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