Cal's parents ?!

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*Your P.O.V*

        As we get back on the tour everyone gradually gets back to their old selves. Luke is crazy and hyper, Micheal is chill and crazy, Ash is talkative and sweet, and Calum is his goofy self. It was hard to leave Gray and Jeff so soon, I know it was hard for them to let me go too but I'm technically an adult. Our next destination was Australia their home, my old one before I moved. Also where Erica bestfriend that died so many years ago. Calum knows I told him everything about her how she taught me piano and discovered my talent for music. She was actually the reason me and Calum met. 

"Hey, Cal?" I say and he looks over at me,


"Remember the first time we actually met?" He grabs my hand,

"Of course it was in the music room right?" I do a mental sigh of relief I'm so glad he remembers,

"You were singing um," he pauses to think, "Oh! Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri!" I smile,

"You remember." His eyes get big,

"Well yeah! You also snapped at me that day too... And told me what I did to Erica." I tighten my grip on his hand,

"I was hurt back then that comment wasn't directed at you specifically." He still looks sad,

"I know that now but, I just wish I could have met her." I smile,

"You can though her grave is here." His face turns in shock.

"Really?!" I nod,

"She'd love to meet you!" He smiles and kisses me on the forehead,

"I'm honored to meet the girl that discovered your music." I smile and lean my head aginst his shoulder.

"Oh yeah you wouldn't mind parents right." He whispers the last part, and I raise my head.

"You want me to meet them?!" He nods and laughs,

"Don't worry I'm sure my mom will be proud I'm bringing home a girl like you." I playfully hit him,

"I'm not that special." He makes a fake dramatic face,

"What do you mean?! You are my world my life source!" He blabbles on.

"What if they don't like me?" I whisper in my question and he stops,

"I know for a fact that they'll love you!" He states firmly. I give a nervous laugh.



As we land Calums' parents, and all the boys parents were at the airport hold signs welcoming them home. It was the cutest sight when Calum's mom ran up to him and bear hugged him and so did his sister and dad. Everyone's parents were in tears or hugging them to death while me and Jess just stepped off to the side.  Suddenly Calum grabbed my hand and dragged me over to his family,

"Mom this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my mom and dad, and sister Mali."I smile and stand straight,

"It's very nice to meet you all." His mom's face lights up and takes my hand,

"Oh my god Calum brought a girl home!!" I just look over at Calum and he looks at me laughs at me and I just smile.

"You are gorgeous you have lovely hair and eyes." I blush at her comment,

"Thank you I can see where Calum get's his eyes from." She just smiles really big and hugs me,

"I love her already!" I laugh and hug her back. Then the dad introduced himself and the sister,

"I'm Mali koa." She says plainly and shakes my hand and goes back to Calum.

"So how was tour?" Calum answer happily but also looks at me. I mouth go and he heads to the car with his sister.

"It was very nice meeting you I hope I get to meet you guys again before we leav-"

"Where are you going?" The mom asks with a sad expression,

"To the hotel." Oh she says sadly then suddenly her eyes  light up,

"Why don't you stay at our house instead!" I widen my eyes in surprise,

"Uh um I don't want to be a bother to you i mean-"

"Don't dream of it I want to get to know yo better!" I smile and thank her again. As she walks me to the car Calum's face lights up when he sees me and get's out of the car,

"Why are you here babe?" I smile and before I could tell him his mom speaks,

"She's gunna stay with us instead of the hotel!" A grin comes across his face and he hugs his mom,

"Great idea mom why didn't I think of that!" As we all pile into the car I get the feeling someone's glaring at me. I ignore the feeling and soon we get to his house he proudly shows me around his home he grew up in.  During dinner his mom asked a lot of question like if i had any siblings and what was my nationality and even if I could sing. When i told her I could she forced me to sing a song.

"Um I'm not sure what to sing." Calum knows I have trouble singing in front of people I don't really know. So he spoke up,

"Why don't we sing our song." He says and grabs his guitar and I just sit down. I haven't sang this song together i mean we haven't sang this song together in a long time.  As he takes his seat next to me he smiles and starts the song. I tap my finger to the beat and soon he starts to sing, then I come in and we harmonize. The whole time I felt that glare as I look at his family Mali was giving me a disgusted look, and she walked out of the room,

"Honey, where are you going?" Cal's mom asks,

"My room where I don't have to listen to such a lame song." She says plainly and walks away. We stopped,

"It's lame?" I whisper. Cal looks at me,

"No it's perfect it's us." He says grabbing my hand. I wrote the majority of that song and her calling it lame... Kinda bothers me. 

"She didn't mean it dear." Cal's mom says with a reassuring smile. 

>Welp looks like Mali has a problem with you even though she's really actually a nice person ahahah<

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