2: Sparks flew instantly

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"Good morning miss Swift." I hear mrs Johnson say as the blonde girl walks into the classroom.

"She never greets us when we walk in." I hear Cara say.

"Thats because she hates us, Car." I say drily, making the Brit laugh.

"Karlie and Cara." Mrs Johnson then suddenly says. "Youre graduating this year, you will have ro become adults sooner or later. This is not some fun gathering where you can laugh. Understood?"

"Yes mrs." We say at the same time.

The blonde girl takes a seat at the table next to the window, two tables away from Cara and I. She doesn't look at us and starts taking her books out.

"I was not amused to see that all of the toilets are sprayed pink. Do you girls have something to do with that?" The teacher asks, her angry brown eyes staring at us.

"No mrs." I say.

"We hate pink." Cara adds. Seriously Cara?

"If I find out that you girls did this, you're in big trouble." Mrs Johnson says, turning around towards her desk.

"I hope you all brought homework?" She asks then, her voice sharp.

"Theres only three of us here." Cara whispers, making me smile.

"Ill take that as a yes miss Delevingne." The teacher says.

"Ill be back in an hour and you will have finished all of your english homework by then." She says, leaving the room and closing the door loudly.

Cara gets up from her chair and walks over to the blonde girl. "Hey, I've not seen you here last year. You new?" She asks while sitting down on the girl's table.

The girl looks up nervously and stutters: "I uhm.. Im new." Cara seems to enjoy the girls nervousness and sticks out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Cara. And that tall one over there is Karlie." She says, pointing at me.

I wave awkwardly at the blonde girl and we smile at each other. Wow.

"Hi, I'm Taylor." The girl nervously says while shaking Cara's hand.

"Where are you from?" I decide to ask. I get up from my chair too and sit next to Cara on Taylor's table.

"Nashville." She replies, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Cool." Cara and I say in sync.

"So are you a musician then?" Cara asks, genuinely interested.

"I.. well.. I.." The girl stutters nervously. "I play guitar and sing a little."

"Sing for us." Cara demands.

"Car.." I say.

"You don't have to." I say to Taylor, smiling at her. She smiles back. She is so pretty.

"So why are you here today?" Cara asks.

"Jeez, Cara you're like a question gun." I say, laughing at the situation. I know Cara started talking to the girl because I find her 'interesting'. Cara and Taylor both smile at me.

"I.. I like to make my homework here. And I like to write here." Taylor then says, answering Cara's question.

"No way." Cara says. Her mouth open in disbelieve. The shy girl nods and smiles.

"Wow." Cara and I say in sync.

"What do you write?" Cara asks then, continuing her rapid question round.

Your Eyes So Green -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now