The Awards Ceremony

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"Hey, Eliza. Quit day dreaming, girl. We're going to be late," Thomas said.

I shook myself out of my day dream. Mary always told me that a Keeper of the Wend must live in the Present and not dwell on the Future. It was a lesson I was slow to learn.

We ran down the steps and tore outside. Most of our company was already formed up and I saw Nicole scowl at our lateness.

"Hurry up, Worms. Colonel Nash isn't going to wait all day," she said.

We got into formation. I looked around to my left and saw that Bravo and Charlie Company were formed up. I looked for Alexis Van Leer and the Miller twins but couldn't see them. Thomas saw me looking and grinned.

"Alexis and the Millers won First Team for Bravo Company," he said.

"They also set a company record in the process," Carrie whispered.

"Yeah, well we knew that was going to happen," I said.

"Bollocks. I can't stand those Miller twins. They think they're so superior. I heard them boasting at lunch the other day about how they were going to clean our clocks in the battalion finals," Thomas said.

"Yeah, well they've still got to get past us," I said.

Just then, David and B'Zide came out of our barracks. B'Zide took the Alpha Company standard from it's holder above the barracks entrance and he gracefully strode to the front of the company. David took up position at the head of the company.

"Alpha Company. Attention!" David's voice rang out clear and strong.

We snapped to attention. After months of training and countless hours of drill, we were finally beginning to look like Rangers.

"Right Face!" David commanded.

All of Alpha pivoted as one to the right.

"Forward March!"

We marched off down the long concrete street that was known as the Ranger's Walk, heading to the auditorium where Colonel Nash would be waiting. As we marched in silence. I thought about the long months of training and all the challenges we had faced. I remembered The Guardian and my greatest fear. I was so proud of Thomas and Carrie. We had earned our First Team Ranking and I was proud to be their teammate. I'd never had friends like Thomas and Carrie. I never had friends at all. Maybe this was where I belonged. Then I thought of Mary. I could see her long finger scolding me. Remember your Mission, Little Star. My Mission: Destroy the Families. Bring Light to the People. I didn't know how I was going to do it, but somehow I had to find a way. A Keeper of the Wend doesn't believe in the Impossible.

We arrived at the Auditorium and filed inside in an orderly fashion. The vast auditorium seemed even larger than I remembered. I recalled meeting Carrie and Thomas on the first day of training. We were so scared. That was only months ago but it seemed like another age.

"Find your seats, Alpha." David said.

"And don't even think about talking," Nicole added.

We sat down in our seats and waited as Bravo and Charlie company took their seats.

"All rise for Colonel Nash," David called out.

All three companies rose as one just as Colonel Nash strode out from the side of the stage. She stood in the center of the stage. Again, I marveled at her composure and sense of authority.

"Be seated," she said.

There was a rustling of clothes as we settled into our seats. Colonel Nash waited for a moment, cleared her throat and stepped forward to address us.

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