Mommy's boy

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I was doing it. I was leaving home. I was going to college. This was the first time I had stayed away from home for more than a week. And even that week was only at my grandparents house which was twenty minutes away from mine. It's quite pathetic actually, and I'm surprised that I never got bullied for being such a 'Mommy's boy'. It's true. I love my Mom. A whole lot. She is my best and only friend. That sounds really bad but I am just not a social person. I don't speak to my own brothers most days. Now it's not so bad now because they live on their own, but I've never had a great bond with my brother's. They were always so outgoing, playing soccer outside, being boystrous, whereas I would rather watch a movie inside with my Mom. Most people cringe at having to spend time with their parents, but I love spending time with my Mom. She understands me and she doesn't pressure me to do things that I don't want to do. That's probably not great all the time but she has faith in all my crazy ideas and plans. Most of them I don't finish. The only one of my many hobbies that I did keep up was guitar. We both know that I probably not won't finish the next scheme but she encourages me anyway. No matter what.

Nearly cried when I left to get on the plane. It was a big step for me to go to University in London but it offered the best course in Maths and I got in on full scholarship, so it was a no brainer. I wanted to be like my Mom. She taught Maths and I wanted to teach Maths. She was my biggest role model and so it made sense. I was good at the subject and I enjoyed it. Most people would probably disagree with me but then again, I'm not like most people. I am completely different which is sometimes a good thing but not all the time. There are times where I miss out on great opportunities because I am to afraid to try anything new or I would rather read a book.

The worst part about going from Australia to England was the 23 hour flight. I was nervous as this was my first time flying and I didn't have the one person who could make me feel better. You guessed it. My Mom. She was used to flying and actually loved it so if she was sitting next to me I knew that I would be fine. But sadly, she wasn't sitting next to me. It was some fat guy who farted at least once or twice every ten minutes. Once I realised that I had to sit next to him for 23 hours I know what it was going to be a long flight.

I was right. It was a really long flight. There was a lot of turbulence which didn't exactly help my situation. Usually, my Mom would tell me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth but no way in Hell was I doing that. I almost had a panic attack half way through the flight but luckily I managed to control it by thinking of home. I knew that I was going to miss home. Everybody would. Home was my safe place and now I was leaving it all behind to go to a knew place in a new country in a new part of the world. Everything was new and I knew that I was going to have to reinvent myself to fit in to the new environment. Wow. I just said new a lot.

Eventhough I was nervous, I was excited at the same time. This was a big deal and it would have paved my entire future. Arriving in England was a big relief. I quickly hopped in a taxi as it was freezing compared to Australia and gave the driver the address. The drive was slow due to all the traffic coming out of Heathrow airport. The music playing through the speakers was some pop rubbish that I chose to block out by sticking in my headphones and blasting Blink-182. About half an hour later, the cab pulled up outside the campus. I payed the man and took my bags. Looking at the information that I had been sent, I found that my dorm was in block B, second floor. Taking my bags, I navigated my way to block B by using the map from my information pack. Eventually, I found the building and made my way to dorm 2.4. Each of the four floors had nine dorms all numbered by using the floor number and room number. E.g. My dorm was the fourth dorm on the second floor hence 2.4.

Opening the door, I was shocked to find only one bed. In all the movies I had watched the dorms always had two beds. I was a little bit disappointed but it skipped any awkward introductions so that was a bonus. Sitting down on the bed I let out a big sigh. I was finally here. This was my dream college. Partly because my Mom went here and partly because it was generally a great University. The walls of the room were a light blue colour. The far wall held a large window with a window seat. Opposite the bed was a desk, complete with desk lamp. Above the desk was some dusty shelves. Not directly next to but a bit to the side of the desk was a chest of draws. Just off the main room was a small bathroom. One wall was covered by a huge mirror but other than that there is nothing really interesting. It was kind of boring to be honest but I soon cured my boredom by unpacking my two suitcases and duffel bag.

It took me two hours to organise everything exactly how I wanted it. I put my clothes away before organising all my bathroom stuffs on the counter underneath the mirror. I placed all my folders and school supplies on the desk and then sorted out the extremely boring walls by covering them in my favourite band posters from my room at home. It almost broke my heart when I took them down because I never took the old ones down, only put new ones up on top of the old ones and so I found some posters that had forgotten even existed. It was quite emotional actually. It's weird but who cares. I'm weird.

After sorting out the room, I lay back on my bed and almost instantly I fell asleep.

AN: This is the first official chapter of College Years and I am super excited. I know its my story but I am in love with the story line already. I am hoping that the chapters of this will be a bit longer that the chapters of Iridium. but I don't know if I will be able to stay consistent with that. I am making it my mission with this story to try to make the chapters as long as possible. You might have to ensure some rambling but they will hopefully be longer. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for reading. Xxx.


P.S. I am going to be updating this story on Sundays (like today) and I will update Iridium whenever I have a chapter written but not on Sundays or Mondays and/or Wednesdays because that is when I will update She wasn't. I have no idea when Bandana boy will be updated because Jess is really lazy and can't be bothered to write her part of it so yea. I'm going to leave you to get back to your lives now.

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