The Jock

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I woke up to the smell of my sister Mali's signature cinnamon pancakes. It's not exactly a normal flavour of pancake but trust me. They are absolutely AMAZING! That was probably the thing I was going to miss the most when I left for college in a few hours for University. Family breakfasts with Mali's pancakes. It's really sentimental but who cares because I sure don't. I actually love my Mom's stupid rule of always eating as a family but I would never show it. I know many people who barely speak to their parents of family members. My relationship with my family reflects on my success in other areas because my parents are really supportive of everything either Mali or I do. Dad was always up to help me with my soccer practise from when I was little to now and I guess I had him to thank for my die hard love of the sport which then lead on to me receiving a full scholarship to my favourite University in London. It was quite exciting really and a great opportunity to pursue my dream of becoming a professional soccer player and play for a world famous team. A bit like David Beckham. Only I can play Bass guitar as well so Ha!

Walking downstairs, I was greeted by three smiling faces of the people I care for most. Although I don't often show it, I love my family so so much. I appreciate everything that they do for me.

After eating my breakfast, I took a shower. The last shower that I would have in my bathroom at home for a long time. I stood underneath the stream for a few minutes just thinking about all the soccer that I would be able to play on my scholarship. I then washed my body and hair before jumping out of the shower and quickly getting dressed in to a Green Day t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I sorted my hair and sprayed deodorant before grabbing my bags and heading back downstairs to where my Mom waited with tears in her eyes.

"My baby boy is growing up." She sobbed before pulling me in for a hug.

"Mom." I whined. "Bye Mali. Gonna miss you. But mostly pancakes." She laughed and playfully slapped my arm.

After waving goodbye to Mom and Mali, I got in the car with Dad. The drive to the airport was silent but some how not awkward. When we arrived at the airport, Dad helped me get my bags out of the car before hugging me and telling me to play well. He waved before driving off as I walked in the airport. I loved airports. I loved the feeling of going somewhere new and that was the feeling that I was experiencing at that moment. I had never been to London before. I had been all over Australia and to multiple places in the US but nowhere in Europe so this was exciting. New school. New country. New opportunities.

Checking in and going through security was a blur and before I knew it I was on the plane, impatient to take off. On the plane I sat in the middle of an elderly couple who had a conversation about tea bags that lasted four hours before they passed out. The woman's teeth fell out and landed in her lap and no way was I going to touch them. Ewww. The man started drooling on my shoulder before waking up when there was some major turbulence. He jumped and hit me on the arm. His wife woke up as well and sorted out her teeth and they resumed their teabag conversation which completely bored me out of my mind and stupid me didn't put my earphones in my cabin baggage. I now know too much useless information about teabags. I just hope that when I get old that I will find better things to talk about that teabags.

Eventually, the plane landed and I was able to escape the tea people (Dan and Phil reference) until I got to baggage claim and they were standing right next to me. And they were talking about Tea. How is tea so exciting to them. When I finally got my bags, because typically mine are last as always, I left the airport and found a taxi cab. Giving the driver the address, he drove quickly until we hit solid traffic and sat in that for half an hour. The taxi finally made its way to the University and that was when it started to rain. It doesn't often rain in Australia so it was a weird feeling. I just hoped that I wouldn't have to experience it regularly.

Personally, I'm not very good with maps so it took me a while to find block B but by the time I did, I was completely soaked through.  I made my way to my dorm room which was on the second floor and there was no elevator so I had to carry my bags up the stairs. Technically, this was my daily work out so it wasn't too bad. I got my bags up to the second floor and found my dorm. 2.5. I'm assuming because it is the fifth room on the second floor. Makes sense, right?

Opening the door, I found a room painted a similar one to my room at home. The walls were a dark blue colour which matched the blue carpet. On one wall was a single bed with some shelves above it and on the opposite wall was a desk with a chair and chest of drawers. The bathroom was quite small but it had a decent amount of surface space so it was alright. Sitting down on the bed, which was a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be, I felt my eyes begin to droop and before I knew it, I was asleep.

---A few hours later---

When I woke up again, it was already dark outside but I was no longed tired and so the only logical idea was to unpack my multiple bags and suitcases whilst I had the motivation because otherwise I would be living out of three suitcases and duffel bag for the rest of my college life. But before I unpacked, I took a long and relaxing shower to get rid of the smell of aeroplanes. I don't know what it is, but they smell funny.

I started by unpacking my clothes so that I could stash my suitcase under the bed. After that I sorted out all the stuff that I didn't really need but had anyway because I would use them occasionally and my posters. By the time that I had sorted out everything it was very late and I was tired again so I did what any normal person would do. Sleep. Again.

AN: So this is the second chapter and you are probably thinking that Calum doesn't sound much like a stereotypical Jock but don't worry his attitude around others who would consider him a Jock is quite different. Also I'm really sorry if the first chapters are a bit repetitive but they are practically all doing the same thing so its kinda hard to switch it up at all. I really hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading and hopefully voting. Xxx


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