The sweetheart

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I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe her. Why? We had it all planed out. Everything. What we would do in the holidays. A schedule for when we would Skype and when we would talk over the phone. I even took gap year to be with her and what does she do. She f*cking cheats on me with that sh*t Jason Peters. For over half of our relationship. Every 'I love you' was all a lie and I was so so stupid to fall in to her trap. I fell and I fell fast. From the moment I saw her I started falling. I believed that she had caught me but really she was just dangling me over the edge, ready to sacrifice me when it suited her best. That time just happened to be right before I went to University.

There was only one thing that could get my mind off her was moving to the other side of the world. To London, England. That seems a bit drastic but I have a reason. I am going to University in London so I would have had to move anyway the only difference now was that I was single. I have always, always been an extremely loyal person in all aspects of life so I knew that her reasons of feeling like I was going to forget about her when I moved were utter Bullsh*t. I knew it, she knew it, we both knew it. She was a selfish cow that only cared about herself and no one else. Well, herself and Jason Peters.

I did what any sane person would do. Watched romantic movies, listened to sad music and ate a sh*t tonne of ice cream and pizza before getting my lazy ass up and packing for England. Before she was the only thing holding me back from leaving that boring town in Sydney, Australia but by this point I was a free man and so left as soon as I was packed and bought last minute tickets at the airport. The plane journey was comfortable. The seat next to me was free and the girl in the aisle seat was really pretty. We got talking because I noticed her Mayday Parade T-shirt. We talked about music and bands and it was a great flight. In the end, I ended up moving to the middle seat so that I could be closer to her. I didn't tell her that though. I said that the window was making me cold. It wasn't a complete lie but I think she saw right through me.

I learnt that her name is Gemma bit she likes to be called Gem. She liked the same music as me and could play a little guitar. She already went to the Uni that I was starting at but we were the same age because she didn't take a gap year like me. Her green hair complimented her pale green eyes perfectly. Especially when she laughed. She gave me her number, in case I needed any help with moving in, which I was really excited about because I didn't even have to try to impress her. We got on really well and I knew that it was the beginning of a great friendship.

We talked about everything from Mayday Parade to the Australian weather, our families to how long you roast the marshmallow for when making smores. These strange conversations lasted the majority of the plane journey until she felt asleep on my shoulder. Whilst she slept, a woman walked past and said that we were a cute couple. I just smiled and she walked off. I got out my headphones, played my playlist on shuffle and ironically Get up started playing. Gem slept for about an hour before she woke up as the plane began its decent. She sat up and wiped her mouth as she had been drooling a bit but I didn't care and found her small action absolutely adorable.

When we landed, the two of us, unfortunately, had to go our separate ways and I didn't see her again until I was leaving the airport after collecting my bags. She was kissing a boy who I assumed was her boyfriend as it was a bit too passionate to be a friendly encounter. How could I be so stupid? What was I thinking? Of course a girl as beautiful as her was going to have a boyfriend. An attractive one as well. I mentally slapped my self for my stupid behaviour before proceeding to get in a taxi to go to the Uni.

I didn't pay attention to the journey because I was too upset about Gem but soon the car came to a halt. I had arrived at University. Suddenly I wasn't as excited as I was before. I could be because Gem and her boyfriend were walking away in the distance, hand in hand whilst he pulled her suitcase and she carried her bag. They seemed like the perfect couple. I couldn't lie. No matter how hard I wanted to. It could also be because in the two minutes that I had been out of the car, I had been completely soaked to the bone.

I soon found my self in front of block B. Looking up at the tall building made me shiver. Or maybe it was the fact that every item of clothing i was wearing, even underwear, was completely soaked. If I ever get hypothermia, I blame the British weather. I made my way to the third room on the second floor leaving a wet trail behind me as my hair dripped everywhere and my shoes squelched along the floor. I opened the door and found a green haired boy sitting on one of the beds. His side of the room was a complete mess and the walls were covered in various band posters just like mine soon would be. The other side was bare with one of the desks, an empty bed and an empty chest of drawers. He didn't notice me until I walked further in to the room and coughed. Looking up from his phone he removed one earphone and said:

"Ashton Irwin?" I nodded. "I'm Michael Clifford. Welcome to 2.3B. Come join the party."

AN: Third chapter. Sorry if it's shorter than the rest but I wanted it to end on Ash meeting Mikey. So yea. I'm super excited for this because I already have so many ideas. Also Gem is played by Kalel Cullen because her green hair is just super fabulous and amazing and she is so pretty.

Thanks for reading. Xxx

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