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Four guys. Four possible career paths. One home town. One song that changes everything.

Luke: The Mommy's boy.
Ashton: The Sweetheart.
Calum: The Jock.
Michael: The player.

Although they all share the same home town, none of them have really connected with each other before. Until now. Let's just say that University is going to blow Highschool out of the water.

AN: So I've had this idea for a while now and I just couldn't wait to publish it but I thought I would tease you by only giving you the blurb. I'm so evil. *insert Ash's girly laugh* Oops. Wrong laugh. *insert evil laugh and finger tapping thingy* Much better.

Anyways. I really hope you look forward to future updates of this because I can't wait to add to what I've already written. I will still post Iridium but probably not as often because I'm not really sure where the story is going at the moment but hopefully I will do soon. This isn't going to replace Iri's story but unfortunately she doesn't exist in this story. Sad face.

Well, I've just realised that the author's note is bigger than the actual blurb thingy but whatever. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you are as exited about this as I am. Bye.


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