Bill x Reader

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Also if you're a fan of Fairy Tail, read my end note c:


"Hey (name)!" Dipper ran up to you, Mabel skipping behind him. The journal was tucked under his arm as per usual. "Is..."

He looked at you and narrowed his eyes, searching for the right words.

"Is he here?"

You shook your head and stuffed a hand into your pants pocket. He was referring to Bill Cipher, who spent a good amount of his time following you around. Yeah, for some odd reason you were able to see Bill outside of dreams. How? Who knows.

"Awesome, take a look at this!" The younger twin flipped the book open and began hunting for a certain page. "It says that there are people called Phantom Hunters that can see things that others can't. I think that's why you're able to see Bill!" (Bullshit I'm totally making this up).

He flipped the journal around so you could see the page. Just as he was explaining his new finding though, you saw a familiar flash of yellow and black, quickly slamming Dipper's journal closed and running off to anywhere else before you-know-who saw you with the Pines twins. Sure, he knew you were slightly close to them. You just didn't want him to realize that you knew so much about that damn journal.



You flailed your arms around and jumled at the sound of someone behind you.

"Bill!" You sighed. "Screw you."

The demon smirked, poking your cheek before ruffling your (h/c) hair.

"You make it too easy, kid!"

You rolled your eyes, letting Bill wrap his stringy arm around your waist as he began to lead you away. He always did that flirty thing with you, but since he's a demon that lives to manipulate the lives of humans and bend them to his will, you didn't think much of it.

Eventually you both passed by Nate. He smiled at you, giving you a little wave which you returned happily. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bill flip Nate the birdie.

All you did was raise an eyebrow. Bill hates everyone, so giving someone the finger didn't shock you at all.

"I can't believe you dated him." Bill muttered almost to himself. (Yeah I made you date Nate. WHAT U GONNAH DO)

"Eh, it wasn't too bad. He's a really nice guy."

You felt Bill's entire body tense slightly as a familiar tingling sensation filled your head. Almost like when you sit the wrong way for too long and your leg falls asleep.

"Stop trying to read my mind, Cipher."

"Why won't you let me into that interesting little mind of yours, (name)?"

"I just don't like the idea of you snooping around in my brain."

Bill pouted, stopping once you reached your apartment complex. He placed his hands on your shoulders and stared at you.

His face was actually... serious.

"What's in there that you don't want me to see?"

Your face heated up just slightly as you avoided looking into his golden eyes. Why didn't you want Bill investigating your mind? It's not like there's anything you needed to hide from the little creep.




"I just don't." You pushed him off of you and made your way into the kitchen.

Of course, Cipher followed you. He wrapped his slim noodle arms around your waist this time, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"What if we make a deal~?"

"Not a chance."

Again, he pouted, giving you the puppy dog eyes in hopes of winning. Yeah right.

What kind of sane person would agree to that? Making a deal with Bill was the worst decision you could think of.

"Please, (name)? I won't stay for too long, just a few minutes."


He spun you around and narrowed his eyes, his normally calm and cocky voice becoming hurt and frustrated.

"Why don't you trust me!"

"Why should I, Bill? Why do you want into my mind so damn badly? What is it you want to know?"

"I..." his gaze fell to the tiled floor beneath you. "I just... Why don't you look at me like those other guys? What's wrong with me? I chose this body because... I thought it would maybe change that... but you still treat me like I'm just a nuisance."

'Where the hell did that even come from?'

"You're not a nuisance, Bill. But you're not human either..."

"So what? That doesn't matter. If I want to date, I will."

His bright yellow eyes slowly moved to look back at your (e/c) ones. You were almost afraid, to be honest. Bill never acted this way, he was always so confident and sarcastic. Who would have known he actually has emotions?

"So..." he shrugged. "What do you say, (name)?"

How would dating him even work? Nobody else could see him. Though, you supposed that didn't matter. All that really mattered was how he treated you, right?

"....Alright, Bill. I'll give you a shot."

His serious facial expression changed quickly, replaced by a look of pure happiness as he hugged you tightly. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and you felt his soft gold hair against you cheek.

'Maybe being abe to see him isn't too bad...'


So about the whole Fairy Tail thing:

Once I finish watching what's on Netflix, I was thinking about maybe writing a FT version of Character x Reader one shots.

Would anyone be interested?

(Robbie x Reader) & (Bill x Reader) One Shots ;3Where stories live. Discover now