Chapter 2: Bakura's POV

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My Hikari: Bakura.

Ryou is my everything. My first love and my last. I will always love him, forever. When I first met him I thought that he was weak, stupid and pathetic with his long white hair, honey brown eyes, pale skin and thin build. But I don't think that anymore. Ryou is strong person with a big heart.  An I'm happy to have him as my Hikari. Even though I don't deserve him.

For I am more like a blood red eyed devil with tan skin and white wild hair ; an a evil grin that's  more then ready to cause mayhem.

I always thought that Ryou hated me because of all the times I would hurt him. Call him an idiot and a pathetic weakling. But he never hated me because he could see right through my very soul and see what no one else could. He saw the real me that I had locked away for millenniums.

He could see the little boy that was scared for his life. While his home, his village was destroyed. The little boy that once was me....

I thought that I would never see the light ever again until I meet Ryou on the day he got the Millennium ring. I treated him so cruelly but he still stayed the same sweet boy I had first met. He never changed no matter how many times I have wronged him. He still forgave me. He still gave his love to me. Even though I don't deserve it.

Ryou doesn't care that I'm broken and scarred. That I'm a thief and a psychopath. He loves me for me and nothing else.

I love Ryou with all my heart and all my soul. I will always love him no matter the cost. Even if it costs me my life. An I would lay it on the line any time if it meant that I could save him like he saved me.

He will always be the other half of my broken soul. The other half of my heart. An I will always protect him from everything and everyone, even myself. He is to important, to precious to lose forever! He's to important to my heart and sanity! If I lost Ryou I would go completely insane and there would be no cure! No light in the darkness.

I don't think that I could ever love anyone like I love him; if I lost my Ryou. I don't think that I could ever live without him in my life, right by my side!..... Because he helped me, see the light. He helped me through the darkness that clouded my mind. He gave me the one thing that I have been looking for all my life in Egypt, love.

Thank you Ryou for being my beautiful hikari.
My light in the darkest of night.
My light, My Love.

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