Chapter 5: Seto's POV

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My Hikari

Chapter 3: Seto x Joey

I never thought that I could fall in love because I didn't really know what love was. Until I meet Joey Wheeler, my puppy.

He was everything that I wish that I could of been. He's strong, brave, loyal, feisty, cute/handsome and so caring.

All I ever wanted in life was to have a family that would love me and Mokuba as their own sons. We never got the love that we deserved from Gozaboru. All he did to us, was verbally and physically abuses us.

He would abuse me more then Mokuba. Because he wanted me to be his heir to Kaiba Corps. He wanted me to be just like him. But I wouldn't bend to his ever whim. So he tried to break me and he didn't succeed.

Every day that I had to live under his reign I would long for love even more as the days would go by. So I never knew how to show my affection or love for those that I love so dearly. Thats why I would pick on Joey and call him a mutt or a puppy. Because I wanted him to be mine forever.I wanted him to be my puppy and the love of my life.

He loves me for who I am and not for my money or fame. He loves just me. Everyone I had tried to get close to had always just wanted me for my money and the fame that came with being with me.

None of them had loved me the way that I wanted them too. They used me until they got tried of me. And until the day that Joey doesn't want me anymore I will still always be there for him. Even when he finally leaves me.

I never want to lose him. He's my everything. He is everything. I don't feel like I deserve to be with him. And yet here I am with him in my arms asleep and unknowing of what the day could bring.

I feel like I could face anything with him by my side. I am unstoppable with him by my side..Without him I would be the same cold hearted person that I was before with a block of ice as my heart. I am lucky to have some so strong, caring, loyal and beautiful like Joey. He is the very thing that I have been looking for all of my life.

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope that you all liked this chapter. Sadly it's the last chapter!! 😭😭😭😭 I will miss writing theses little love letters!

Bye, till next time
- Michelle

MY HIKARI (Yaoi) (Boy X Boy)Where stories live. Discover now