Chapter 1: Internet Support Group

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"actually no dont im a terrible influence" Dan chuckled nervously, taking another sip of his wine "bye" he spoke shutting of the camera, now time to edit his video.

"Jees that last was was freaking strange" Phil spoke from behind the camera. Dan nodded in agreement, screwing the cap back on his bottle of red. "i think i will get the camera ready for the next PINOF" Phil smiled nervously, getting up from the beanbag and exiting Dan's room. Dan was about to follow him when he had an idea about the next internet support group. So he quickly turned his camera back on.

"hello again" he laughed "ive had an idea abut the next ISG. If you want to see it as a live YouTube video, comment below, that way i can include more of your problems, to distract myself from my own" and with that he turned the camera off and went to join Phil in his room

"hey you're here, i cant find the sharpie" Phil said searching his room from top to bottom. Dan face palmed "its on your dresser you derp face" Phil looked up to see that Dan was right. He blushed and hopped over to get it. He turned the camera and began


Phil sighed as he tired to rub the sharpie of his face. Dan was laughing as he had got it of hours ago. "here let me try" he grabbed the damp cloth and gently wiped his cheeks. Dan was inches from Phil's face and Phil's heartbeat began to race as the thought of them kissing rushed through his head. His cheeks flushed red and he pulled away "er thanks Dan but i'll try myself" he said nervously and dashed out of the bathroom. Phil jumped onto his bed and hugged his knees. 

He was so confused about his feelings. Ever since they met, Phil always got a flutter in his stomach, then over the years the flutter moved to his heart and he couldn't cope with how much he loved him. But he knew he couldn't tell Dan, he simply couldn't deal with the rejection. Phil always thought he was straight, at school he always like the girls. Dan changed that, i mean how couldn't you love Dan. His beautiful smile, perfect features and amazing personality. 

A tear slipped from his cheek and he couldn't hold back the tears. Phil needed to tell someone,he needed help. So he grabbed his computer and clicked on his email, before he typed he changed to his anonymous email. Phil thought about what to write, he didn't want to be to obvious. So after awhile of thought he simply wrote

TO: dangivesadvice(at)gmail.(com)


im in love with my best friend


aloha this is my first wattpad fanfic. I have other fics on band websites that is you want to check out i will leave a link here

and here

just like copy and paste that ish

anyways this is just a short first chapter to get into the flow of things. baii guys

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