Chapter 13: Lucid Dreams

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I had to repeat my sentence and even then Phil didn't believe me. He was saying something about a dream and how it seemed so realistic. He was crying to. Apparently Dan had died and he relapsed. I tried to calm him down but then the doctor spoke.

"Philip you seemed to have had a lucid dream. It's a rare side effect of the pain killers we were giving you. On some occasions it can enhance the brain thoughts and make it seem real"

Phil had calmed down by the time he finished and I was left slightly confused. I never knew that could happen. "Okay Phil. Explain exactly what happened" he continued. Phil shuffled to sit up and dried his eyes.

"Um I woke up and you told me dan died. Then erm oh. It cut to us driving in the car. Then we were home and I cried and then I fell asleep and I missed dan and then I relapsed and then made a video. Then I was watching the video I made from a fans point of view. One of the ones I met with dan and Tyler" by this time Phil was crying. It sounded pretty scary. I walked over to the doctor and asked if Phil could see Dan, he nodded and i helped Phil out of his bed, he would be able to go home soon. But knowing Phil he wont leave Dan.


I used Tyler for support as we walked down a long empty corridor, i didn't know what time it was, but i was guessing it was very early. Our footsteps echoed and it made the hospital that slight bit creepy. We passed several signs and followed a single blue line taking us to Dan. I was still shaken from the dream, ad slightly triggered. I felt like this was a dream now but i could feel and see clearly.

We stopped in front of a brown door and i took a deep breath in before pushing it open. Dan was sat up on his phone, but looked up an smiled instantly, his eyes shone and his pupils dilated. Color flushed into my cheeks as a familiar fuzzy feeling began to swirl into my stomach. Tyler stayed out side to give us some privacy. The room was identical to mine but with more machines and wires that Dan was hooked up to. I rushed over to him and hugged him so tight i may have chocked him. I whispered "im sorry" over and over. I let him go and he giggled "you silly goose, you could have gotten yourself killed" he said it with such confidence as in nothing happened. I looked deep into his gorgeous brown eyes and he leaned in and kissed me passionately.

"I missed you" he breathed, clinging onto me as i slid into the bed. He cuddled up to me and i smiled at his warm breath on my neck. I felt calm and collected. Dan was mine and the nightmare i had was nothing more than lucid dream


I waited outside for them but as the minutes ticked by i got bored and wet to the cafe. It wasn't very busy and i took a seat in the corner. My phone buzzed and i smiled seeing it was Troye. I clicked answer and held it up to my ear.

"Hello there Troye Sivan"

"Why hello there Tyler Oakley, fancy hearing you" i giggled at his comment "look i took the next plane and we've just landed. I need you to come pick me up babe" my eyes winded. I didnt expect him this early. I stuttered before answering

"er yes ill be there asap, bye babe"

"bye" i hung up and rushed back to Dan's room, they were sleeping, aww how cute. I snapped a picture before dashing to my car to go pick up Troye

Otay this is so short I know but I wanted to update. Everything will be back to normal soon.

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