Chapter 15: Hugs

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Phil had freaked out. Gotten really upset. I sat there helplessly as Tyler calmed him down. He was shaking and his face was red. My poor Phil. He didn't believe me that it was okay. Yes I got run over. But we're both fine now.
"Phil" I whispered. He stopped shaking and took a deep breath. He looked up at me, his once ocean blue eyes were red and puffy. I glared at Tyler and he got the message. He helped Phil up and placed him back next to me. Phil cuddled into me and his breathing returned to normal. I smiled at Ty and he tip toed out of the room making sure not to step on the wood floorboards.


Tyler smirked at me and I kissed him deeply. Things were getting heated, but unfortunately they had to stop then and there. We could hear Phil screaming, then his voice cracked. Ty looked up and bounced off the bed. I lay there still, still breathing heavily, trying to stay quiet. I could here shuffling around and the maybe Dans voice. I waited a few more seconds and I heard Ty make a swift return. He opened the door then hesitated.
"Phil broke" he whispered dryly. I bowed my head and sighed.

"I think we should get a hotel. I mean you've got like two days before you need to go. It won't be that bad. I'll come on the tour with you" Tyler chewed on his lip before agreeing.

"They need time alone. Especially like this." I nodded again. Right time to pack.
We only had a couple of suitcases each. Tyler had to get an extra one for all the things he received on his road trip.

We were packed fast and I tided Phil's room for him. I peeped in the lounge and Phil was sleeping. Dan looked round and smiled. He then looked down at my suitcase, confused.

"We're going to a hotel to give you two space. Thanks for letting us stay though."

Dan didn't object as we both hugged him goodbye.
"Tell Phil we said bye" Dan nodded and we exited the Howell-Lester residents. I sighed.

"Where do we go" Ty shrugged. 

"Wait. There's one in that direction I think"
I nodded and we headed off.

I hadn't made a video in ages. So I decided that's what I was going to do. I used my crutches and made it to my room without waking Phil. Setting up was difficult when you're barley mobile. But I soldiered on and made it. I was quite breathless and had to wait a bit before I started.
"Hello Internet" I smiled at my camera "so where the fuck have I been" I laughed nervously to my camera.
"Well where do I begin"
I finished editing and began to upload it. I had my tweet and tumblr ready to post.
Processing 41%

I grinned and posted the new video onto social media. Already there were 'get well' tweets. I tweeted when in hospital that I and I quote
"I will be taking a little while off from everything. Nothing to worry about but I will be better in a bit"

I then tweeted a few days ago
"New video soon. I'll be explaining what happened"

I didn't go into detail. I'm not going to say how I saved Phil but I will when we come out together. I love Phil with all my heart and I need him to know that.  I cant believe he broke. Phil is so strong and it killed me to see him cry.  Im just glad i was asleep in the hospital when he cried, as harsh as it sounds.

I could here shuffles from the living room, f uck, did i wake him. i hope to god not as he needs to rest. The door squeaked open and he toddled in and lied on my bed.  He didn't speak and i didn't pressure him to either. He needs to know that its okay and I'm fine, even the doctor said i only had to have this stupid cast on for another month. Then i could get back to business. I stared at phil -not in a creepy way- just to make sure he was okay. It was a long period of silence. I think. It may have been a couple of minutes, maybe longer. I was about to get up before he spoke in the saddest tone I've ever heard.

"Theres these voices, in my head, telling my how pathetic i am, how no one loves me and how everything is my fault. " he took a shaky breath "you still love me right?" his voice cracked and my heart shattered. 

"i love you more than anything in the world, and i always will. You my everything, my dream come true." i sighed " come here lion" he pushed himself up and hugged me so tight i thought he was going to break my back


i m starting to loose faith in this, its jus like the majority of the phanfic out there. I might just delete this and focus on my other phan "you're my soulmate" 

you should check it out, it has a really interesting plot #spon

anyways bye

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