Chapter 4: Another Explanation

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Hey diary, the movie was GREAT!!!! I'll probably write about that later, but right now I've got a story to finish. So, where was I....OH! That's right I was telling Mar and Kate that I'm Sarah...

"Is this some kind of joke because if it is it's NOT funny?!" Martha practically screams. "No it's not a joke." I say as calm as I can. "Let me explain, give me a couple of hours and I'll clear it all up. Please." I beg.

Martha is about to scream "Never!," but Kate stops her and whispers something in her ear. Then she steps back and Martha has a disappointed look on her face. "Fine." She says in defeat. "We'll give you a chance, but if we still don't believe you then you leave us alone, deal?" Kate asks me. "Deal." I agree.

"Okay," I start "so basically the day, well more like night, before my fifteenth birthday some clocked figure comes and stabs me to death. After I die I'm then reborn as a new infant with a new name, personality, and family and friends. My birthday however stays the same. I hate this curse that has been bestowed upon me and I wish I could break it. Which is why I called you both here I thought that if maybe I got in contact with some of my friends from my last life then maybe I can break this!

"I've never turned fifteen and I've never driven a car or drank alcohol because of this bloody curse! I just want it gone and I know you guys might see this as selfish, but I'm not being selfish. Every time I die I feel the pain and I don't forget it. As I grow up in my new life I slowly remember things from the past. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night screaming because I'm having a dream about my death. My parents run in to see if they can help, but they can't! I can't tell them because I myself barely understand this and I know they won't believe me." I stop and let a tear fall because the sad thought is it's true; my parents would think I was crazy or something.

     After I get the gist of my life down I go more into detail and answer questions when they have some. By the time I get them both to say "I believe you" it's time for dinner. We bring all of the kids back inside so that the mosquitoes don't eat them up.

Then all of a sudden two big arms rap around me. I don't look back, I can tell it's Martha. She starts crying and that's when I turn and face her. I give her a big hug and she cries into my shoulder. "I can't believe it's you." She says, "I remember screaming so loud when I found you dead. I was in such shock I fainted and people thought I died too because I had blood on me. The blood was yours. I had tried to pick you up in my arms and bring you back." She pauses and cries more and then I cry. I still cry even as she continues. "After they found out it was your blood on me and that I was alive they thought I killed you. Well your parents, Kate, and Elie didn't, but the police did."

I gasp, "Martha I'm so sorry you should never have been blamed it wasn't your fault." "It's fine everything got cleared up, but they still didn't find your killer, unfortunately." After she says that we cry some more and clean ourselves up before heading into the dining room. "Momma's cooking chicken!" Sarah says ecstatically. I smile and sit down next to her.

All of the children are now inside and sitting at the table. Next to me is Ben and Sarah, while the twins are across from me. Martha is on the other side of Sarah sitting next to her son who is at one of the heads of the table. Sean sits next to Ben and Meagan is sitting next to Jane, one of the twins. Kate then walks in carrying the side dishes and sets them down. She takes a seat next to Jenna, the other twin. Just as Elie comes in and sets the chicken down the door opens. We all turned our heads to see James, Elie's husband, walk through the door.

     Elie had said she would explain everything to him tonight for me. He walks over and sits down next to Kate and Elie. "Hello dear" he says and gives her a peck on the cheek. "Ewwwww daddy that's gross!" Sarah says and we all just laugh. It was then that he notices me. I shouldn't have laughed. "Sarah?" "Yes daddy? Oh you meant the Sarah I was named after. She's really nice daddy." Sarah says. Elie whispered "I'll explain it all to you later." And he nods not taking his eyes off of me and I know exactly why.

The year before I died Steven, James' older brother had asked me out. We had stayed together all the way through eighth grade and ninth. Elie had been asked out by James around the same time. So we did a ton of double dating. Even Martha and Kate would come with their dates sometimes. We were young and in love. Kate was so in love with James that they had a child one week before I died. Steven took it slow with me, which I liked.

     Then one night I got a call from Steven asking me to meet him at the town's only bridge. I quietly snuck out of my house and down to the bridge. I was wearing my silky blue night gown and slippers. As I neared the bridge I could see him and I saw that he was wearing a tux. I walked up to him and he took my hands. He said, "Sarah my love, you are the most amazing girl in the world and I love you more than anything. So will you do me the honor of being my bride?" I smiled and said yes.

We had agreed we would get married after I graduated high school. Which was a while away, but we didn't care, we could wait. But then the next day I had my birthday party and I died. It broke my heart to remember that memory because we never got to get married. I searched him up one night on the Internet and he still isn't married or dating, he lives alone, and that's what hurts the most.

Tears are falling down my face and I know everyone is watching me. I look up and he's still staring at me. "I'm sorry." I mumble out and then I run out to the porch. Someone follows me and I expect it to be one of the girls or maybe James so I walk off of the porch into the pouring rain.

Great! Just great, it had to pour. I walk down the street to a pond that I use to go to when I was little. The person follows me and sits down on a log next to me. I don't look at them I just say, "Please go away I can't take this anymore I might as well just die now." "No, don't do that then how am I ever going to get to know you better?"

I am surprised by their young voice. I turn my head to see Ben sitting next to me. "Trust me Ben you're better off not even knowing I exist. I've broken so many people and now I've broken myself. No matter what I do I can't escape this curse." He looks at me straight through my eyes and I look back into his.

We stay like this for a moment. Just the two of us staring. His eyes are so beautiful and I don't want to look away. Then, unexpectedly, he kisses me. It is the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me. We both sit there for a little while more and then head back inside to finish dinner.

Oh goodness, I remember this night so well diary. I was so scared that it was going to be like Steven all over again. I thought for sure I would die and loose him forever... Well I gotta go diary, write to you later.


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