Forced Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Party part 3-Fair or Foul?

I couldn't answer for a full minute-my throat was so dry!

"Arbella?" Was that worry in Vladimir's tone? Why would he be worried?

I licked my lips then looked up more so that I now saw Damien's chin. "I'd be honored to dance with you, my Lord."

WHAT?!?! Vladimir's outrage gave me a headache and made me a bit woozy. His hands tightened their holds on me; I almost yelped.

Damien somehow snaked his arms around Vlad's and pried me out of his grip before whisking me away. "I'm glad you agreed. Oh, and you can call me Damien, if you wish."

Vladimir hadn't moved-he was shocked and far too angry.

"That would be very rude of me, Lord Damien." I smiled politely while internally dealing with Vladimir.

Get your mortal ASS away from him!

"It's not rude or improper if I give you permission." he smiled warmly and tucked a finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

You told me to answer how I wished! I mentally frowned, And he just would have kept asking if I refused!

Like hell he would have! Come. Here. NOW.

"Still," I shook my head lightly and tried to put my face back down, "I must respect my superiors."

"You are quite the obedient one." he chuckled, allowing my movement. If only he knew.

"I was trained well by my master."

"I can see." Dancing with Damien wasn't as enjoyable as Vlad, but I couldn't return to my master until the song was over. Did I want to return to Vladimir right now anyway? Not only no, but hell no. There would be no getting through to him if I went to him right now. He needed to chill out.

No. Vlad's boiling anger hovered below its peak at my denial.

Over my dancing partner's shoulder, I could clearly see my master shooting death glares at us.

Arbella, I swear to God! Get your ass over here right now! I ignored him and made no attempt to relieve myself of Damien. ARBELLA!

His yell made me stumble. Thankfully, Damien was paying attention and caught me before I had a chance of embarrassing myself or stepping on him too much. "Easy now. You okay?"

"I'm fine." I nodded, "Just got a headache all of a sudden." Then I hastily added, "Lord Damien."

"He's hurting you, isn't he?" a frown etched itself onto his lips.

"No, no. It's fine." I waved his theory off although he was dead on.

"Come with me." Damien ended our dancing abruptly and lead me away from the colors and dance floor. We slipped away from Vlad's invisible daggers and the room's clammy heat. He lead me out onto a back porch that opened up to a seemingly endless amount of grassy land. Real Greek statues and pillars cut from bushes graced my eyes everywhere. A cool air kissed my exposed skin and combed through my hair. "Better?"

"Yes." I breathed a sigh of relief. My partner released me. "It's beautiful out here." A statue of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, gripped my attention. Without thinking, I went to it.

Blades of grass gave way as he followed me. "I was hoping you'd say that."


"This is where you would have been had the prince not taken you." There was an uncomfortable edge to his voice as his breath played at my ear. I froze.

------------------------------------------------------------Vlad's POV--------------------------------------------------------

She left me. That no good, fucking mortal left me! How dare she leave me to go with him?! How dare she?!?! No way in hell was I letting her off this! She was going to be mine after this was over. Mine!

I looked up and prepaired to go over to them and drag her away by her hair, but I couldn't see them. Oh, great! While I'd seethed and debated on how to best kill Damien and torture Arbella, they'd slipped away from me. Great!

Victoria! I mentally barked.

What?! she wheeled on my rage.

I lost the fucking slave. Find her! She's with Damien.

I heard her sigh. Fine, but you're helping. She's your slave anyway.

She's dead when I find her!

Vlad, shut up and start looking.

-------------------------------------------------------Arbella's POV--------------------------------------------------------

Damien's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and tried to jump away.

Being a vampire and all, of course he was faster. My former dancing partner's arms constricted about my waist, ending all hopes of escape for me. He smushed my waist against his painfully-well, it was painful for me. "You were supposed to be my slave." he snarled, "Marcus promised you to me!"

"Let go!" I pleaded and tried to get away. He held me tighter.

"Stop fighting!"

I didn't stop. Panicking, I desperately reached out to Vladimir. It didn't matter how pissed he was right now-I needed him. A sharp pain in my neck broke my concentration.

Forget about him; I'm your real master, slave. Damien's voice leaked into my mind like a poisonous fog.

"No..." I whispered.

"What?!" he bit deeper in anger, making me cry out in pain and tear. A hand clamped around my mouth, cutting off my voiced pain.

Then the tears flowed. Vladimir!

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