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I've had problems updating I'm sorry it's late x x


I could hear a faint beeping noise next to me, was I in hospital? I tried to open my eyes but it was such an effort. It felt like someone was forcing them shut with their hands.

I heard some rustling next to me and felt something on my hand.

"Mike, it's Cal."

Calum! I tried to open my eyes again but it was just so hard.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not, you know I'm not good at science so I don't know if you can hear me when you're unconscious." He chuckled. "But I'm so sorry that this happened, I swear to god I'm going to kill whoever did this to you. I bet it was all Lukes idea, wasn't it? Act like he was sorry, invite you to his house and then get his posse to beat the shit out of you so then he can ring me acting all worried about you." What? No! This wasn't Lukes fault?

I forced my eyes open and quickly shut them again when they met the light, I never knew lights were that bright, jeehz.

"Mike!" Calum said hugging me making me squeak, manly, in pain.

"Oh yeah sorry, do you want me to tell you the damage? Or can you already feel it?"

"I'm guessing I've hurt my ribs?"

"You've broken 4 and you've broken your nose. And youve got a black eye. And you're bruised pretty much everywhere" Calum said sadly.

"What about Phil?" I said worriedly, he stood up for me and I wanted to thank him.

"He's in surgery" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned about sharply making me hiss in pain.

I was met with a tall boy, who looked about the same age as us, possibly a little bit older, with a matching hair cut to Phil but his fringe was flipped to the other side and his was the colour brown whereas Phils was black.

"Hey, you're Michael right?"


"You're the one Phil tried to save?"

I nodded.

"So you're also the reason why he's in fucking surgery!" This must be Phils boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, i didn't ask Phil to help me. He stood up to Alan and Zack, they didn't like it. It's not my fault I'm sorry." I said my voice cracking. Calum wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head softly.

"I'm sorry I shouted Michael. It's just he means so much to me." I heard Phil's boyfriend say. He was crying.

"It's okay." I said when he lifted his head out of his hands, tears were rolling down his face.

"I just really care about him you know? He's just so fragile. He puts people's feelings and opinions before his own so he can do his best for people. That's why I love him. Even if it does get him hurt." He choked out.

"I know what you mean." Calum said, stroking my hair.

"I think I'm gonna go and check on how Phils doing. I hope you get better soon Michael."

"I hope Phil does too." I smiled softly.

"Thankyou." He said before standing up and leaving the room.

Chatterbox ❥ Malum [SEQUEL to Mute ❥ Malum]Where stories live. Discover now