Chaper one - Starting Over

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"Sophie..." called a distance voice.

"C'mon Sophie, wake up!" called the same voice again. I opened my eyes to see my 5 year old younger brother; Elliot was looking up at me with his big brown eyes and his adorable little face.

"Hey buddy" I say whilst reaching out and ruffling his hair.

"Don't touch my hair!" Elliot huffs, while slapping my hand away.

"Gran told me to come and wake you" and with that he walks out of my room trying to fix his hair.

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly rolled over in search for my glasses to put them on, I normally have them on for reading or writing but in some mornings my vision is blurred and they help until I wake up properly.

Getting up from my warm bed, stretched and made my way into the bathroom adjacent to my room. I looked into the small mirror above the sink and threaded my fingers through my blonde straight hair and huffed wishing my hair could do a lot more than being straight all the time meaning why it can't have a natural waviness to it, getting more frustrated with my hair, I turned around, switching on the shower to a decently hot temperature, I undressed and got in.

Walking into my walk-in-wardrobe I looked for something to wear. I chose to wear plain old black skinny jeans, a light pink t-shirt and a pair of white converse. I try and change my style and go for something more flattering as well as stylish, but I never find anything I'm comfortable with. I'm always shying away from clothes that stand out. I don't like the attention. After I changed, I made my way down stairs to the kitchen where I can hear my grandma cooking breakfast.

My grandma lived in a cute little house by herself. My granddad died two years ago along with my parents who were killed. He was picking my parents up from a date night, they both had been drinking and my granddad didn't mind getting them. I thought he didn't mind because it was an excuse to get out of the house away from my grandma and the chores he should've been doing around the house.

They had been married for 52 years. They met when my Gran was 18 and Gramps was 20, Gran fell pregnant with my dad. My Gramps never left Gran's side, and they got married just before my dad was born. Gramps always loved to tell the story how Grans' parents were very disappointed, saying that they were both so young and stupid and how Grans' parents tried to do things to break them up, putting ideas in her head but Gramps knew it was more because he was from the bad side of town and they didn't want their precious little girl associating with those sort of people. My grandma was classed as prim and proper back in the day and nobody would've guessed that she would be married at 18 and a child on the way. It should have been gone to college to get her degree, find a good man, get a house, get married then have children.

Her parents gave her an ultimatum my Gramps or her parents, as you can tell she had chosen my Gramps; she loved him too much to let him go. After that my great grandparents had cut all ties and she got kicked out telling her that she made a stupid mistake in which she didn't.

I've never seen two people more in love than those two. They had acted as if they were young kids again and never acted their age, always goofing around my Gramps always being romantic bring her flowers and taking her out. I wish I would find a love like that in the future.

"Good morning sweetie" my grandma said in a cheery tone as she passed me a plate of homemade pancakes. I mumbled a 'thanks' and kissed her cheek and sat down at the table next to Elliot who was giving me a disapproval look.

"What's the matter with you?" I said tuning to him with a mouthful of pancakes.

"You messed up my hair; it took me ages to make it look perfect for my first day this new school." He replied finishing his breakfast. I then took in his look he has chosen.

Elliot was wearing a button shirt tucked into a pair of cotton trousers and a little bow tie. Unlike me my brother actually cares for his appearance. I don't get it he's five years old.

Shaking my head I looked at him. "You look very adorable. All you need to top your outfit off are some attachable overalls, to which I know you have stored somewhere in your room."

And with he jumped off the chair and agreed with me and started running away to his room screaming to himself as to why he didn't think of that before. I smiled to myself.

"Are you excited about starting a new school?" My Gran said.

"I'm nervous, I mean who wouldn't be. I just know when I get there, there will be lots of people looking at me I don't want that." I replied back. My Gran just giggled tuning back to the stove saying 'I'll be fine especially if I'm keeping up with my vow'

After I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to get my backpack and jacket, taking one last look in the mirror replayed what my grandma said to me about my vow. I made a vow that I won't let anyone walk over, treat me wrongly, bullied me and rude to me.'you've got this Sophie don't be a coward just be yourself' I said to myself in the mirror with a curt nod and bright smile. I headed out of my bedroom, feeling a little more confident than nervous until I saw Elliot as he was looking at me weirdly.

"Are you starting to go crazy because you're talking to yourself and you know that's not good" I shook my head at him and walked down the stairs.

"Bye Gran I'll see you when I get home from school." And with that I walked out the door and headed to my new high school, Williamson High.

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