Chapter 1

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Ashley's POV
Me and shay had been close to each other since the first day of pll. I could tell her anything and i trusted her. But theres one thing i could never forget
Her and Ryan.

Me and Ryan had been on and off for years, we finally decided to call it quits and break up for good. It was for the best, but of course i still had my feelings for him. One night me and shay went to the local night club and bam my whole world crushed apart, my ex boyfriend kissing my best friend.

Flash back to that night
Shay's POV
I'd had way too much to drink, the music was way too loud. My head was pounding. I had been looking around for Ashley for a while but i couldn't find her.
"Ouch" I shout as some guy bumps into me. I hear him apologise but choose ignore him. I soon feel a hand grab my arm, I look up. Ryan?

"What do you want?" I ask
"Do you want to get a drink" Ryan shouts
"No" I shout
"Why not, you look like you're on your own anyway. Please?" Ryan says
"Umm" I hesitated, if ashley saw me with Ryan she'd loose it.
"Yeah why not" I figured it would be easier to find ash if i was sat in one place.

Me and Ryan walk over to the bar. We ordered our drinks, Ryan kindly payed for mine. We stayed seated at the bar.

Glass by glass i was could feel myself slurring my words and becoming very close to Ryan. He was being so sweet and kept buying me drinks. Ryan kept putting his arm around me and whispering compliments in my ear, I actually felt wanted for once. I'd been on my own for ages now, no one ever showed interest in me so when Ryan did I didn't pull away when he kissed me. Bad mistake.

Ashley's POV
I gave up looking for Shay, i figured she'd probably gone off with some guy so there was no point in my sticking around here. I walked towards the door and thats when they caught my eye. Ryan and Shay. My heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces

I rush over to them. "What the fuck do you think you are doing" I ask them both. They both let go of each other and stare up at me. Both of them speechless at first.

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