Chapter 17

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Tyler's POV
I felt bad for leaving Ashley alone in the house, she probably thinks I'm angry at her for being pregnant. I'm not at all, I'm angry at myself for letting this happen. She's the one who has to carry the baby around for 9 months! If I'm being honest I'm not really ready to be a father, I still act like a kid myself! I walked out because I was worried i'd break down in front of Ashley, seeing her so upset made me upset and i want to be strong for her.

I drive to Keegan's house because honestly right now, i needed a guy to talk to. If i told Drew, he'd probably tell Shay and she would tell Ash and i don't want her to think I'm weak, i need to show her I am going to stick by her. I knock on the door.

"Tyler! How you doing?" He asks happily. Keegan was always smiling.
"Um not great, I just need someone to talk to" i tell him.
"Well here you are at my house, so i guess i am the chosen one!" He laughs. A quiet laugh escapes my mouth.

I tell Keegan all about Ashley. "You are going to stick by her right" He asks. "Of course I am! I love her to bits, plus this is going to be our baby, I'm not going to leave them. I'm just scared I'm not going to be good enough at being a father and i will let Ashley down" I say my voice stuttering because I'm trying not to cry. "Well Tyler you will be a great dad, I've seen you around kids and honestly i think you need to get your ass back home and tell Ashley what you are telling me right now! Let her know you love her and you are there to stay" he says.

"You're right keegan, I'm an idiot for even walking out of that door and leaving her alone" I'm glad Keegan has made me realise i need to be with her right now and show her my support.
"Well i can't disagree with you because yes you are an idiot for leaving her upset, but it's fine because you are about to go and fix it all!"
"Thanks for your help keegan!" I say as i walk out the door.
"Oh and congratulations two you both" He shouts.

Thinking about it, I would love a mini Ashley and I running around. I loved her so much and I planned to spend the rest of my life with her and have beautiful children, but i guess it's came sooner then expected but I am going to make this work! I have to. Not only for me but for Ashley too.

A/N wow 1k reads! Thank you everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll be updating again later today.

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