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I steppped out of the car and started walking with katie.

All of a sudden I fell and bumped into someone

Oh im so,sorry I yelped Watch wear your- then he looked into my eyes and calmed down oh no it's ok im sorry he said and helped me up. What's your name beautiful he said Hailey I responed and we never left eye contact.

Once he helped me up we stood their staring at each other. Well Hailey thats a beautiful name he said blushing I smiled and looked down blushing. I never got ur name I said oh sorry my names Nick he said well Nick thanks for the help I said with a little laugh.

I was starting to walk away when I felt someone grab my wrist amd turn me back around. It was Nick. Um.. I was wondering do u wanna hang out sometime or.. I interrupted him by saying I would love to! We swapped phones and left.

Hailey he was really cute!!! Katie yelled/whispered I laughed and shook my head and we went inside.

Nicks pov....

Once she walked away I looked at her intil she enter the mall. I turned back,around to my group of freinds eoing and awwing

What I yelled and they looked down with guilt then Julian spoke.

Man she was hot dude he said and I just looked down blushing. No seriously man she was cute said one of my other friends John Shut up I yelled and they all looked away. Once we walked away from the mall we looked for John' s moms car and all I could think about was Hailey.

Lisa's pov..
I was cleaning the house and I found an old family album. I quickly grabed it and sat on the couch.

I oped the book and saw That this family album was from when Hailey was born I started to cry a little when I saw the family I used to have with Hailey's father and then I remembered Hailey never new about her father or her siblings.

Hailey's pov...

We walked out of the mall and Brittney was waiting for us in the parking lot. We got in tje car and we drove off.

At the house..

I,walked in to see mu mom cleaning. Hi honey how was the mall she asked it was god oh and I fell and this boy helped me up and asked for my number and we traded phones and he said he wanted to got oit sometime I,said well honey thats good what else did he say whats his name she said well mom his name is Nick and he said I had a beautiful name and then we left well dear that's good I know right mom I said well mom im gpinf to put this stuff in mt room ok sure honey thats fine then u can do somtjinf in ypur room and practice was canceled for today she said ok and y,do have to stay in my room and I know I got tje email I,said well some people from work are comming over and I want to talk to then with out interuptions she said ok mom I will love u I said love u too.

I walked up the stairs and in to room.

I threw my hair in a messy bun and got sweatpants on and a tanktop I hoped on my bed and turned the tv on.

* buzz buzz*

My phone was buzzing and I had 3messages one was from Nick and the others from twitter (the texting part lol) and it was Grayson and Ethan I smiled.

A/n hey guys thanks for reading. Srry its long I will continue the messages in the next chapter and srry I havent updated in a while school started and i'v had softball practice. Oh and Happy Labor day everyone!!!So I hope I like it ill try and ipdate more and plz coment and vote and thanks

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