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Grayson's pov...

I herd ringing I didnt know what is was til I turned, it was Haileys phone. I honestly wanted to know who was calling her so I awnserd it.


Nick's pov.....

I was calling Hailey to see if we were still on for tonight and tell her what time I was commin to pick her up.

Hello a deep voice awnsered the phone

Yeah hi is Hailey there

Um she's sleeping right now may I ask who is calling the voice sounded like he was getting mad

Um.. it's Nick may I asked who im speaking to

Well im an important and close person to to Hailey and I think u should call back later is that a good enough awnser the raspy deep voice said then hung up

I was confused to who that was.

Grayson's pov...

I hung up and looked over at Hailey. She was beautiful and I loved her like like a sister in a way I guess.

I got lost in my mind til Hailey tured and faced me. I looked at her and smiled I wanted to know why she looks like me and Ethan and y her mom looks like us to. I laued back down and practicly me and Ethan were spooning her as she was sleeping. I fell back to sleep with my arms wrapped aroung Hailey and a little on Ethan but Etjan was the same way.


Hailey's pov..

I woke up in Ethan and Grayson's arms. I felt so safe. I moved a little and Grayson's eyes flutered.

Good morning sunshine he said in a raspy morning vocie

God morning I laughed and I giess I laughed a little too loud and I looked over at Ethan and he fluttered his eyes and smiled.

Ya know ur hair smells amazing he said
Haha thanks Ethan I repiled
We all got up and stretched but as soon as I was done I was tackled by both of the twins.

Grayson and Ethan looked at Each other then looked baxk at me with a smerk. I was confised at first then all of a sudden I busted out laughing

Looks like someone's ticklish Grayson said to Ethan

Ethan laughed and shook his head in agreement.

After about 5 minits of tickiling each other mom came down. She looked horrible she had redshit eyes and her hair was in a messy bun. After the twins and I said good morning she went in the kitchen.

Lisa's pov...

I didnt sleep all night. I was looking in the photo album again and I started to cry.

I was cooking breakfest for the kids and I jist got lost in my thoughts


Whats gunna happen to Hailey when the boys leave, will she be the same, will the twins come back will there father call me. Should I tell then, what am I gunna do

I snapped out of my thougjts when I smelled buring bacon.

I fixed the food Kids breakfast is ready I yelled they came running in. They sat at the breakfast bar and befan to eat.

A/n Hey guys thanks for reading! I hope u guys like it so far! Btw i'm,really trying guys honestly it might not be perfect but im trying and aperently alot of people like it so u haters can back off thanks!!sorry if there are typos my phone wont fix them for some reson so srry! So plz vote and coment thanks ily all bye!!

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