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Ethan's pov...

When Gray and I walked into,Haileys room she wasn't there.

"Omg where in the hell is she" Grayson said

Soon a doctor came in

"Boys may I ask y u r in this room" he said

"Uh yea Hailey Des-.. I mean Dolan is in this room correct" Grayson said

I was very,confused y he said Dolan insted of Deschaine but that's not the point

"Yes but only fam-"

"WE ARE!!" Grayson yelled

"Oh ok well u two can sit tight right now in here she is getting x-rays done" he replied

"Ok well im Ethan and this is Grayson" I said introducing Grayson and I

"Well its nice to meet u im Dr.jacklen I will be taking care of Hailey" he said

"Nice to meet u" we said

"Alright well I have to finish Hailey's x-rays u boys can stay in here she will be out in 10" Dr. Jacklen said

"Ok" we replied as we sat in the chairs next to the bed.

15 mins later..

"Where is she" asked Grayson

"I dont know do I look like a doctor to u" I replied

Soon Dr. Jacklen came in with Hailey on one of the beds.

"Hi guys" she said as her voice cracked

"Hey" we said

I couldnt help but think,all of this was my fault.

"Ok well I have the x-rays" Dr.Jacklen said as he pulled them out of an envelope

"And" Grayson asked worried

Dr.Jacklen put the x-rays in a thing that showed them better.

"Well its definitely broken" he said as he pointed to the break in her arm

"She broke her arm in 3 places" Dr.Jacklen continued as he pointed to each break.

"Doc I hate to interrupt but I still dont have a cast on my arm and I would like some pain killers" Hailey said as tears rolled down her face.

"Oh yes yes I almost forgot" he replied

"HOW DO U FORGET!!"Grayson and I yelled together

"Im,sorry ill get right on it" he said and left.

"Hailey im really sorry I didnt mean to,do this to u, it's all my fault" I said looking down at my feet

"No its not Ethan its mine I,shouldnt have spooked u and them maybe the branch wouldn't have broken" she said

"Ok lets forget whos fault it is and just hug" Grayson said

"Ok"Hailey,and I said at the same time

We all hugged then "owwww" Hailey said we quickly separated

"R u ok" Grayson and I said

Before she could awnser Dr.Jacklen came in with samples of cast,colors and pain killers

"Am I interrupting" Dr. Jacklen said

"No" I replied

"Alright then lets start then

Hailey's pov....

I didnt want Ethan to feel like this was his falut. Cause it isnt. I was taken out of my thoughts when Dr.Jaxklen started speaking

"Alright Hailey im going to put this mesh on ur arm and it will become harder but it has to dry first"

"Ok" I said

He cam over and wet my arm I winced but he didnt stop.

Once he was done with the mold he started talking again

"Ok so this has to dry,for about 30 minutes,and u will have to stay over night" he said

"WHAT,Y" Grayson and Ethan yelled

"Well 1 the cast and we would like to do more tests"

"Arlight then" Ethan said

30 mins later...

Grayson's pov...

I was about to knock this doctor out, how do u forget things with a patent. How stupid could u possibly be.

Dr.Jacklen came in with color samples and went up to Hailey

"Ok Hailey we have neon yellow,purple,pink,blue,and orange" he said holding up each color

"Um ill take Neon yellow cuz the names will show up better" Hailey said


I watched ad Dr. Jackle wrapped her arm in the Neon yellow wrap

Hailey's pov....

Honestly I didnt understand y I have to stay over night I once again was taken out of my thoughts by mom comming into the room.

"Hi sweetie whats going on" she said oit of brethe

"Well this doctor is stupid and dosent know what hes doing and she broke her arm and has to,stau over night" Grayson said annoued while Ethan looked down


"Well they want to do more "tests"" Ethan said

"What more can they test she already,has a cast on" she said

"I dont know like I said he doesn't know what hes doing" Grayson replied

"Alright well im sorry to say this but I cant stay with u Hailey" mom said

"WHY!!" I yelled

"Honey I have to go back to work remember Im in charge of a project so im only here on my break" she said sadded

"Its ok" I said looking down

"Ya know Lisa me and Grayson could stay,here with her" Ethan suggested

"You wanna know what,thats a great idea maybe if I can convince this doctor to let u come home Ethan and Grayson can babysit u"mom said to me

"Alright go ahead" I said as she ran,out the room

Lisa's pov...

I ran up to the desk

"Hello may I help u" the women asked

"Yes hi my daughter is in room 203 with a broken arm and I would like to talk to the doctor if that's ok"I aksed as nicly as possible

"Yes u may" she said as she reached for the mic


"Thank u" said

5mins later

"Can I,help u" dr.jacklen said comming up behind me


" ok ok she can go home but she has to,make an appointment for 1 day each week for 6 weeks" he reploed handinf me the forms

"Thank u so much have a nice day" I said and walked back into the room

"Hailey come on ur going home and boys u r goimg to babysit I will call ur father and tell him ok ok lest go" I said and we all left

A/n hey guys whats up!!! How did u like this weeks chapter!! Ok so the reson im updating earlier than usual is because its my BIRTHDAY!!!!!! So I hope I like it happy Dolan Twins Tuesday!! Plz vote and comment!! I love u all bye!!!

Happy birthday,to me

Happy birthday to me!!!

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