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Hailey's pov.....



I reached the surface and looked around. I must have fallen asleep and the twins must have thrown me in the pool, thank god my cast is water proof.

I climed out of the pool and went inside.

"Hey Hail- what happened" Grayson giggled

"Yea what happened Hailsl Ethan laughed

"oh I dont know I just happed to wake up in the pool" I awnsered

"Well go dry off and then take ur pill" they laughed

"Ok" I stopmed up the stairs and took a shower

I dried off and picked went to my closet. I grabbed black high watsed shorts with a 1D crop top. I put it on and dried my hair and straightened it and then put it in a high ponytail. I grabbed my red vans and went downstairs.

I sat down at the breakfast bar and took my pill.

Kaite would like to video chat


Heyy Hailey how r u

Im good katie hbu

Im good I wanted to know if u wanted to go to the mall

Yes of course

K ill be there in 10

K bye

*end of video chat

I hung up and did a little happy dance.
"What r u doimg weirdo" Ethan laughed walking into the kitchen with Gray

" im doing a happy dance cuz I get to see Katie"

"Oh ok r u going to the mall" Gray asked

"Yup do u know were my phone is??" I asked

"oh yea herel Ethan said as he gave me my phone

"Thank see u guys later Katies here"
"Bye be safe"they called as I went out rhe door

"Heyyyyyy Katie" I said as I waled into the car

"Heyyy Haileyyyy"

We talked about random stuff till we arrived at the mall

We thanked kaites mom and we went I side we turned the coner to see........

Cliffhanger!!!! Lol srry

A/n im srry it's short but anyway I hope u like it. Plz vote and comment. And im writing another book beside the sequel so look out for that ;) have a HAPPY DOLAN TWINS TUESDAY. I love u all bye!!!

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