Chapter 8

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after the fight we had we finally decided to go inside and clean up but next thing I know Harry sling me over his shoulder and running around the house leaving colourful foot prints k just heard a whole lot of wolf whistles as we walked in to his room to get changed.
"Haz Bub I don't have any spare clothes with me." I said worriedly he just looked at me and smirked I already knew what he was planning and I am not gonna wear his clothes.
"You can wear my clothes." he said with a bright smile showing off his dimples. I just googled and agreed what other choice do I have so he threw me a really big shirt and that's it. I looked at him seriously and he just nodded. I really hope this shirt is long enough. I walked in to his bathroom and had I really quick shower and then put harrys shirt on and I realised it said future mrs styles did he plan this whole thing so I put the shirt on with my undies and bra but took the rest of my clothes back in to the room.
(AN her out fit before he water fight above or to the side.)
"Looks good on you." Harry said smirking I knew it he planned this whole thing I could see it in his eyes.
"You planned this whole thing didn't you." I said to him and he simply nodded and picked my up like a baby and sat me on his waist I swear he has the strength of superman. he carried me downstairs so I just rests my head on his shoulders as he walked around trying to find the lads.
"Hey guys where are you." Harry called out.
"In the lounge room." zayn called out. so Harry walked over there I am surprised he hasn't even broken a sweat yet.
"Hey lads watcha watching." Harry said standing at the door I could feel myself getting more tired by the minute so I closed my eyes and hid my face in the crook of Harrys neck.
"The news there is something about us on there." Liam said I could feel Harry start walking then sit down and pull me on to his lap and that's when I fell asleep right there in Harrys arms.

my plan went perfectly and nialls face when he had the food before dessert was priceless but when he saw his dessert come out he literally acted like a kid it was kinda funny to be honest we were about to leave but when I reached for the door Niall pulled me back that's when I realised there were loads of paparazzi d I just groaned to myself but I decided to pull Niall out of the store when I got to the middle of the mob I starting shouting at them and they starting backing away from us I smiled and walked to the car with my hand in nialls the TV will probably explode.
"Babe how did you do that me d the lads can never get them to go away." Niall said when we get to the car.
"Let's just say that I have learned how to scare people in my lifetime of expertise. he chuckled and started driving back to his house.
"Hey Niall can we get he lads to come over and we can have some drinks." I asked excitedly.
"Will there be food." he asked so seriously it made me laugh so I just nodded and he agreed so I texted Tayla
To Tayla: hey can u and the lads come over tonight.

From Tayla:yeah course what time

To Tayla: in about an hour or two just so we have time to clean up

From Tayla:k cool see u in an hour.

"Niall Tayla said she can come with the lads." I said Excitedly and Niall just nodded smiling he is up to something I can tell by the way he smiles it's like that cheeky up to no good smile but I just shrug it off.

"Hey guys you need to go get ready to go to nialls place ok." I said feeling sleepy cause I just woke up from my nap.
"Ok" Liam and zayn chorused and ran upstairs but Harry and I stayed put
"We need to go over there in an hour ok." I said to Harry and he nodded.

One hour later.
Tayla and the lads had just arrived and I couldn't wait to tell Liam that Niall is my boyfriend.
"Liam Liam guess what" I said sounding like a little kid.
"What." he said playing along.
"I got a boyfriend." I said literally jumping up and down.
"Who is it." yes he is still playing along I love it when we do this it is hilarious.
"Niall" I screamed and hugged Liam but he didn't look surprised.
"You look like you already know about this." k said and he chuckled
"I saw you two on the TV and after last night we kinda got the idea.
Great what if Louis saw that.

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