Chapter 10

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I woke up with the worst headache in the world yep definitely got a hangover. I slowly got out of bed. who's bed I have no idea all I remember from last night is Louis going crazy and then Tayla the lads and I getting drunk and having fun. let's hope we didn't go to crazy. Well let's see I have clothes on so that's good. I can't see any bottles in the room I'm in so that's good to but now to venture through the house. fuck who the hell screams that loud in the morning. wait only one person I know will go that crazy in the morning.
so I skipped down the stairs and jumped on to nialls back.
"Oh hey babe your finally up." He said as I jumped off his back.
"what do you mean it's like really early in the morning." I said confused.
"Bub its two o'clock in the after noon how hungover are you." Niall
Said laughing and I just slapped him playfully and jumped on the couch wear Tayla and Harry were snogging so I jumped right between them and they parted just in time.
"Hay I was enjoying that." Harry said pretending to be be grumpy and I could see Tayla giggling and blushing next to me.
"Oh sorry didn't realise." I said acting innocent.
"Yeah you did you just wanna be annoying." Harry said acting like a kid ok so we gonna play that card nobody is more of a kid then me and Niall lets do this.
"No I didn't." I said like a three year old.
"Yes you did." Harry said the exact same way I did. now you are gonna get it. I started with the fake tears and then the sobs and Niall came running in faster than flash.
"Babe what's wrong." he said kneeling in front of me.
"Harry was being mean and he shouted at me." I said fake crying.
"Nah ah." Harry said like a little kid.
"Listen Harry leave my bubba alone and go snog your own girlfriend." Niall said chuckling fuck he caught me.
"Ok." Harry said seeming so much happier now. Niall picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly and rested my head on his shoulder as he carried me to the kitchen. once we were in the kitchen he put me on the bench.
"Haha look even with you sitting up there I am still taller than you." Niall said and I pouted.
"Oh come on that's good." he said
"Why." I asked confused.
"Cause I can do this." he said and dipped his head down to kiss me softly I the lips. it was soft and sweet but it felt like we wouldn't ever pull apart. after a while we pulled apart I had a stupid grin on my face so I probably looked like the Cheshire Cat. I could see Niall laughing at me.
"Fine then no kisses for a week." I said crossing my arms. he suddenly snapped back to reality.
"But baby." he said pouting.
"Nope." I said and jumped off the bench to go find Liam.
i walked int o the lounge room.
"Liam" I screamed as loud as I could. he walked I to the lounge room seconds later with a towel around his waist. Niall walked in as well to see what would happen.
"What's wrong." Liam asked
"Niall was making fun of me." I said bringing on the fake tears.
"What he do." Liam said walking over to me.
"He was laughing at me." I said through the fake tears.
"Shh it's gonna be ok he didn't mean to make fun of you" he said wrapping his arms around me in a hug.
"Liam she's mine remember." Niall said playfully.
"Nah I think she's mine now yeah Jords." he said joking around and I nodded to just go with it. it was silence for a while then we all just broke int o historic laughter he probably sounded like a bunch of monkeys.
"No seriously dude Jords is off limit got it." Niall said over all the laughter.
"Yeah she's yours mate it was a joke" maim said from behind me the the rest of today is gonna be good.

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