Chapter 13

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After we had finished going through all the clothes we asked the others if they wanted to go shopping with us and they all agreed. So right now we are walking around the shopping centre acting like little kids. We were at some random shop right now and just buying necessities.
"Hey Jords come on we need to get you some more socks." Niall said cause I was with Tayla walking around. When we got there I saw Niall holding tons of socks.
"Hey Niall why does she need so many socks." Tayla asked him
"Cause she has a ton of odd socks." Niall said
"So does Harry it's really weird." Tayla said back. Me and Harry just looked at each other smiling.
"Hey why do you too have only odd socks." They both asked
"We were helping a friend out ok." Harry and I said.
"And what was this friends name." Niall asked curiously
"Dobby" Harry and I exclaimed
"So you too have been busy freeing elves." Liam asked and we both nodded.
"You two are idiots you know that right." Niall said and I pretended to be heart putting a hand on my chest.
"Hey it's ok cause your my idiot." After Niall said that it made me smile so big I probably did look like and idiot. I gave Niall a quick hug and grabbed all the socks and put them all in the trolley and then went to go grab all the other stuff. When we got to the underwear section I saw the Liam and Zayn have a mishchevious look on their place and go two different ways. It was just Tayla, Harry,Niall and I left feeling confused. With in ten minutes
Utes they were back and had bags full of clothes and stuff. They just ignored our confused looks and took us to go pay for all the stuff we got and headed home. After we unpacked all the stuff we looked over to Liam and Zayn to find out what they bought and they got their bags out immediately and gave one to Niall and I then one to Tayla and Harry. We looked at them confused and they motioned for us to open them so I did and then closed it once I saw what was inside.
"Nah I don't think we'll need this you should go return it." I said kinda grossed out that they would even think about that stuff.
"Sorry but there is a no return policy."
Liam said smirking
"Yeah Liam we don't need this either" Tayla said holding the bag out. I could see both Niall and Harry giving each other cheeky smirks.
"Niall Harry we will not be needing these ok." I said sternly
"But" Niall said before I cut him off.
"We will not be needing these." I said giving him a glare. Then I saw him acting like a three year old who couldn't get lollies it was quite funny actually. I could see Tayla dealing with the same situation with Harry. This is going to be a long night.

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