The dark bargain

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An eerie rustling sounded in the air as the topmost leaves shook to the braying wind. It was dark, the moon masked by clouds in the sky, preventing any light to fall upon the fields below.
Two distant shapes moved across the silver meadows, black as the night itself.
One of the creatures turned to the other, an irritable look on his war- like face.
"Captain foxglove" he spoke in a deadly soft voice. "You told me that this burrow was a mere hop away... And here we are hopping for all ni- frith". He slowed to a stop, sitting back on his haunches to sharpen his claws. "If we don't start seeing results..." Leaping up with powerful hind legs, he twisted in the Air, impaling a large moth on his claw that began to writhe its life away. Sticking it under his captains nose, he spoke softly   "Get the point?"
Captain foxglove gave a large gulp, looking down at the dead moth. Trying to talk, she managed a feeble stutter.
"Y- yes, general clawface" she bowed low to the ground to show respect, her paws trembling.
General clawface turned to hide his displeasure. "So? Do you have any idea where we are?"
Foxglove sat up, twitching her nose as she scented the air. Her ears lay back as a cold gust of wind blew around them.
"This way sire" she called over her back, hopping away in a different direction altogether.
Rolling his eyes, general clawface followed, eager for the bargain to be done and so he could be off with his prize.
In his mind, he was already plotting revenge upon the small burrow called watership down, his crazed mind twisted in grief for his father woundwort and his brain seething with cold fury.
And managing to achieve the bargain was the first step to completing what he called revenge. He knew that he had to find the rabbit called midnight. Her powers were interesting and could be used in ways that no rabbit could imagine. And foxglove was leading him to that special rabbit, at least he hoped so, watching as his captain once again stopped to taste the air.
Feeling that he had had enough of his captains foolishness he called out to her with a slight snarl in his voice.
"Allow me, otherwise we might walk straight into a lendri's cave". With a distasteful glance at his captain, he sniffed the air, catching a scent of other rabbits. Beckoning to his captain he set off to complete the dark bargain.

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