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Midnight was shivering hard, her eyes closed tight in horror. Some iced fear was creeping into her, freezing her as it entered her heart.
She looked up. Stones. Stones, sharp and merciless. This was shadowstone, and it brought horror and fear to midnight, the stones were piercing her, surrounding her like Elil. In her mind she was trapped, trapped in a turmoil of confusion, grief and hate.
A rough paw shook her, rousing her from her trance. She looked up fearfully "what's wrong? Does clawface want me?" She asked.
"Clawface wants you to see into a newcomers heart" replied foxglove balefully. She led midnight up the burrows to General clawface, whilst tormented whispers echoed around the shadowy walls.  

"Ah midnight" growled clawface softly. "I require your skills to see into this rabbits heart. He wishes to join my owsla, but we need to know if he is trustworthy"
Indicating the newcomer, general clawface pushed midnight towards him.
The new rabbits air was sly and cunning. Midnight knew he had no fear of anything. She hopped up to him and placed a paw upon his chest. She felt his heart beat once.
Instantly she recoiled, her mind flailing in a deep sea of hate so strong it knocked her off her feet. She began to writhe on the floor, her eyes wide and unseeing. "Oh oh oh!" She wailed and her voice echoed eerily off the caving walls.
"His mind is full of hate,
But death shall be his fate.
To crush the evil that slew his kin!
His chance of revenge is close to thin"
She stopped shuddering and lay perfectly still, her green eyes shut tight. As a paw nudged her she jerked awake, shaking her head as she exited her trance.
"What did you see?" Growled claw face softly, polishing his claws on the rocky crevices. Foxglove had been terrified by it all and had backed into a corner, trembling like a leaf in autumn.
The newcomer shot her a look of distaste with something close to loathing. Only midnight noticed this.
"I repeat once. What did you see?" Claw face asked impatiently, casting angry looks at all the others. "Answer me or are you all tharn?"
Midnight looked intensely at general claw face. "I fear to speak the truth of what I saw because it would send this rabbit to death"
Foxglove, recovering her bravery, hissed to midnight. "The general is the general. What did you see?"
Midnight hesitated, glancing around her. "I- I saw that t- the wanderer wants revenge... A- and you are the ones to help h- him" she thought quickly, gazing at the new rabbit. He nodded curtly.
"If that's all I- l just go" she stammered and rushed back to her burrow, scared.

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